UN Security Council Simulation: Eastern Alliance Invasion
On September 8, 2014 the world economy crashed. The ensuing chaos spread: business after business shut its doors; jobs were lost; people were unable to buy food or pay for housing; country after country turned to nationalizing businesses and turning inward to try to set up basic social infrastructure—while becoming increasingly suspicious of other nations.
A few nations—including Switzerland, South Africa and Paraguay—built strong communities and weathered the storm. The wealthier nations such as those in Europe, the United States and Japan socialized and redistributed wealth to maintain soup kitchens and nationalized housing to keep people in their homes.
NATO countries, led by the U.S., suggested giving more power to the United Nations in order to solve global problems with truly international solutions. The majority of nations in the world agreed, and India and Brazil were added as permanent members of the Security Council. Russia and China at first tried to maintain their new liberal economies, but by 2012 both had fallen back to strict communist rule and joined with North Korea to form the Eastern Alliance along with many of the Arabic nations in the Middle East.
Two days ago, on September 6, 2018, the Eastern Alliance invaded on three fronts: Russian and North Korean Troops crossed the 38th Parallel by force, wiping out U.S. and UN troops there, and invaded South Korea. They are currently marching south through the peninsula. Chinese conventional missiles struck appr. 112 military and major industrial sites in Taiwan, including U.S. military, and were followed by a massive beach-landing invasion along the entire western Taiwanese border. And India was attacked by a combined ground and air force from Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Egypt. Note that Egypt, Jordan and Syria have also amassed troops on three borders of Israel.
It has taken two days for the UN Security Council to gather, and now you are meeting to determine your course of action. You are a member of a council delegation, and must decide what to do. Robert’s New Rules of Order will be followed, with only Ambassadors voting one per delegation, and policy is governed by the UN Charter.
United States Delegation: (Ambassador), [add name of assigned participant here]
United Kingdom Delegation: (Ambassador),
Delegation of France: (Ambassador),
PRC Delegation: (Ambassador),
Russian Delegation: (Ambassador),
Delegation of Brazil: (Ambassador),
Indian Delegation: (Ambassador),
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