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Who are you?
You feel a striving in your soul to renounce conveyor-belt mediocrity and answer the call of mission.
You are compelled to learn more, become more, so you can serve more.
Who are we?
We are mentors with a passion to live our mission – by helping you prepare for yours.
Skills · Leadership · Character · Purpose
If you are 14 or older, come join us for an excellent journey of learning, teaching and brain-stuffs flying everywhere! Your mind will be blown. Experience relevant, hands-on mentoring that will help you apply the great principles you study in the classics to your own important Mission as a leader in the Fourth Turning, taught by people who love to learn and know how to inspire. Come learn the skills you need to take your leadership education to the next level:
Being a Part of the Hero Generation: 101—Sara DeMille
Leadership in the Fourth Turning—Oliver James DeMille
Freedom in the Fourth Turning—Ian Cox
Writing, Public Speaking and Debate—Emma DeMille Cox
Where: Colesville Academy at the Cox Residence 5315 N Enoch Rd., Enoch, UT
When: Tuesdays, January 7th through April 15th, from 10am to 2:30pm (be sure to bring a lunch!) Monthly simulations and an end-of-semester event.
Tuition: $300 (does not include texts)
Space is limited to 20.
E-mail: 1class0mentors1@googlegroups.