
11 02, 2025

Rediscovering History

Lessons Beyond the Classroom "Not another chapter of names and dates," she groaned, slumping in her desk chair as the Teacher distributed yet another stack of history worksheets. "History is just so... boring." The teacher's response was predictable: "Page 216, everyone. Today we'll be memorizing [...]

27 10, 2021

Check out our Fall Sales!

"Fall" in LOVE with your homeschool - with these special deals from TJEd! Now through November 6th, some of our preferred products are available at amazing discounts! No coupon necessary - sale prices are reflected in the store. Here is a quick rundown, with details [...]

7 04, 2021

The Renaissance of the Family

The Renaissance of Family By Oliver DeMille Whatever happens in Washington, Wall Street, Main Street, Hollywood or Silicon Valley in the next ten years, it will all be irrelevant if our families don't come together at a much higher level. Without a renaissance of family, [...]

12 01, 2020

Oliver James’ Science Reading List

Last year our TJEd Online Convention included a video presentation by our son, Oliver James, called, "Mentoring Science - TJEd Style". That presentation included a list of his recommendations (a couple of these are better for adults, and not kids - so be mindful of [...]

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