
14 06, 2013

Unschooling: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille Took Me By Surprise “Why don’t you ever tell stories about me in your books and blogs, Dad?” “What do you mean?” I asked. “I tell stories about all the kids.” “Not me,” Sara said. “At least not very much. You [...]

14 03, 2013

Lego Logistics: Building Blocks to Reading Success

When Two Classics are Combined Guest post by Cat Charissage I.  The “Problem” Personally, I would have been happy if my son had been an early reader. I read to him as a baby constantly; in fact, I think he may have recognized the stories [...]

12 03, 2013

Careers Get Off the Conveyor Belt: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille CEO of Your Own Destiny For years I’ve promoted the idea that conveyor-belt education is seldom great education, and that if anything should be great in a young person’s life it’s his or her education. Therefore, I’ve said to anyone who would [...]

26 04, 2012

I Can’t Read!

And: The Angels in My Life   By Dian Thomas Recently I was talking to a friend, Marsha Warner, who has been a real support to coach me to get my house organized. There are those times in our lives when we have to stop [...]

5 04, 2012

Five Years Old

by Arianne Cope If you think in seasons, plant cereals. If you think in decades, plant trees. If you think in centuries, educate your children. -Chinese Proverb Happy Birthday to my five year old. You are shedding your preschool self and stepping into boyhood. This [...]

14 02, 2012

The Principles of Great Education Matter

by Oliver DeMille Some things work, and some things don’t. If you are trying to help a young person, or any person, get a truly great education, you’d better allow him—or, even better, help him—to fall in love with learning. And you’d better help him [...]

14 12, 2011

Home School Insights: Unschooling Rules (Book Review)

“Each child has a spark of genius waiting to be discovered, ignited, and fed. And the goal of schools shouldn’t be to manufacture ‘productive citizens’ to fill some corporate cubicle; it should be to inspire each child to find a ‘calling’ that will change the world. The jobs for the future are no longer Manager, Director, or Analyst, but Entrepreneur, Creator, and even Revolutionary.”

16 11, 2011

Home School Insights: The Unschooling Myth

Many people in our modern world have come to equate conveyor-belt methods and systems with schooling, and they tend to see anything else as lenient or non-academic. TJEd is different than the conveyor belt model, but it is not academically lax for children.

8 11, 2011

Teaching by Example

Teaching the kids a thing and then telling them to use it was less effective than just letting them watch an adult do it—and then being left to act as they choose.

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