This section is included for those who use the Bible as their Core Classic, or for those who want their children to have the cultural literacy of Bible stories. Engaging a child’s interest in the reading of scripture is a delicate art. Some passages are naturally more appealing to little ones. This list of the more narrative parts will engage the younger child with the language and texture of the scriptures, while giving them the full, rich experience of the stories in their original form. You may wish to purchase an over-sized version for children learning to read, then highlight the passages on this list for them. Better yet, have an older siblings highlight the passages for their younger siblings.
A big thanks to Penny Gardner for compiling this great list. To view more from her, visit
Highlights from the Old Testament
- In the Beginning—Genesis 1:1-31
- Garden of Eden—Genesis 2:1-10; 15-25
- The Serpent—Genesis 3:1-24
- Cain and Abel—Genesis 4:1-16
- Seth—Genesis 4:25-26; 5:1-8; opt: 5: 9-32
- Noah—Genesis 6:5-22
- Ark and Animals—Genesis 7:1-16
- The Flood—Genesis 7:17-24; 8:1-5
- The Raven and the Dove—Gen. 8:6-22
- God’s Promise—Gen. 9:1-17
- The Sons of Noah—Gen. 9:18-29
- The Tower of Babel—Gen. 11:1-9
- Abram—Gen. 12:1-9
- Journey to Egypt—Gen. 12:10-20
Abram and Lot—Gen. 13:1-18
- Lot is Captured in War—Gen. 14:11-16
- Melchizedek—Gen. 14:17-24
- Promise to Abram—Gen. 15:1-18
- Sarai and Hagar—Gen. 16:1-16
- Covenant—Gen. 17:1-14
- New Names—Gen. 17:15-27
- Three Holy Men—Gen. 18:1-15
(opt.) Sodom, Gomorrah—Gen. 18:16-33 - Pillar of Salt—Gen. 19:1-7; 9-29
- The Old Mother—Gen. 21:1-21
- Abraham’s Test—Gen. 22:1-13
(opt.) The Death of Sarah—Gen. 23:1-20 - The Servant’s Task—Gen. 24:1-9
- Watering the Camels—Gen. 24:10-28
- Rebecca’s Family—Gen. 24:29-51
- Rebecca’s Journey—Gen. 24:52-67
(opt.) Death of Abraham—Gen. 25:1-11 Birthright for Pottage—Gen. 25:19-34
(opt.) Isaac—Gen. 26:1-6; 12-14; 23-25- The Stolen Blessing—Gen. 27:1-29
- Esau—Gen. 27:30-46
(opt.) Jacob’s Ladder—Gen. 28:1-5; 10-22 - Rachel at the Well—Gen. 29:1-14
- The Other Sister—Gen. 29:15-35
- More Wives—Gen. 30:1-13; 17-21
- Rachel’s Baby—Gen. 30:22-32, 43
- Jacob Departs—Gen. 31:1-7; 14-21
- The Pursuit—Gen. 31:22-26; 30-35
- The Brothers—Gen. 32:3, 6-7, 11; 33:1-12
- An Altar—Gen. 35:1-7, 10-15
- Deaths in the Family—Gen. 35:16-20; 23-29
- Coat of Many Colors—Gen. 37:1-36
- Joseph in Egypt—Gen. 39:1-9, 13-23
- Interpreter of Dreams—Gen.-40:1-23
- Pharaoh’s Dreams—Gen. 41:1-13
Joseph’s Interpretation—G. 41:14-16; 25-45
- A Ruler in Egypt—Gen. 41:46-57
- Famine—Gen. 42:1-20
- Famine, cont.—Gen. 42:21-38
- Brothers Return to Egypt—Gen. 43:1-14
- Return, cont.—Gen. 43:15-34
- The Silver Cup—Gen. 44:1-34
- The Lost Brother—Gen. 45:1-28
- Moving to Egypt—Gen. 46:1-7; 28-34
- Land of Goshen—Gen. 47:1-13; 20-31
- Joseph’s Sons—Gen. 48:1-6; 8-22
- Jacob’s Farewell—Gen. 49:1-2, 28-33; 50:1-9, 12-13
- Joseph’s End—Gen. 50:14-26
- No More Sons—Exo. 1:1-22
- Baby Moses—Exo. 2:1-10
- Moses Flees Egypt—Exo. 2:11-25
- Burning Bush—Exo. 3:1-22
Moses and the Lord Speak—Exo. 4:1-17
- Moses Leaves Midian—Exo. 4:18-23; 27-31
- Let My People Go—Exo. 5:1-23
- Jehovah—Exo. 6:1-13
- River of Blood—Exo. 7:1-25
- Frogs, Lice and Flies—Exo. 8:1-32
- Dead Cattle and Boils—Exo. 9:1-21
- Hail and Fire—Exo. 9:22-35
- Locusts—Exo. 10:1-20
- Darkness—Exo. 10:21-29
- The First Passover—Exo. 12:3-15, 21-28
- Leaving—Exo. 12:29-42, 50-51; 13:21-22
- Parting the Red Sea—Exo. 14:5-31
- Manna—Exo. 16:1-31, 35 (opt.) Jethro—Exo. 18:1-27
- Ten Commandments—Exo. 20:1-17
- Stone Tablets—Exo. 24:12-18; 31:18
A Golden Calf—Exo. 32:1-7; 15-20; 26-35
- New Tablets—Exo. 34:1-6; 10; 27-35
- The Journey—Numbers 10:11-13; 33-36
(opt.) Miriam’s Murmuring—Num. 12:1-16 - Water from a Rock—Num. 20:1-18
(opt.) A Talking Donkey—Num. 22:1-38 - Joshua—Num. 27:12-23
- Love the Lord—Deuteronomy 6:1-7; 17-25
- Good Courage—Deut. 31:1-3; 6-8;14-15; 23
- Moses Dies—Deut. 34:1-12
- Joshua Leads Israel—Joshua 1:1-9
- Spies in Jericho—Joshua 2:1-24
- Crossing Jordan River—Joshua 3:7, 14-17; 4:4-11, 14-18
- Fall of Jericho—Joshua 6:12-27
- Be Courageous—Joshua 23:1-11; 24:29
Gideon—Judges 6:1-3; 6-16; 22-31; 36-40
- The Small Army—Judges 7:1-8; 13-22
- Lord Shall Rule—Judges 8:22-23; 32-35
- Samson is Born—Judges 13:1-7; 24
- Samson and Delilah—Judges 16: 1-31
- Ruth Comes to Bethlehem—Ruth 1: 1-22
- The Gleaner—Ruth 2:1-23
- Ruth and Boaz—Ruth 3:1-18
- Ruth Marries—Ruth 4:1-17
- Hannah’s Son—Samuel 1:1-2; 7-28
- Samuel Serves—Samuel 2:18-21, 26.
- Lord Calls Samuel—Samuel 3:1-14
- Samuel’s Vision—Samuel 3:15-21
- Make Us a King—Samuel 8:1-10; 18-22
- Saul—Samuel 9:1-8; 10-14
- The Seer—Samuel 9:15-19; 25-27
- King Saul—Sam 10:1-2; 6-7; 9-17; 24-27; 11:15
- Jonathan—Samuel 14:1; 6-20; 23
- Honey—Samuel 14: 24-30; 36-39;43-45
- Kingdom Torn—Sam. 15:10-11; 24-31; 34-35
Samuel Anoints David—Samuel 16:1-13
- The Harp Player—Samuel 16:14-23
- Goliath—Samuel 17:1-11
- David—Samuel 17:12-31
- David and Goliath—Samuel 17:32-58
- Best Buds—Samuel 18:1-16
- David’s Flight—Samuel 19:1-10
- The Signal—Samuel 20:16-42
- David’s Army—Samuel 22:1-2; 23:1-5
(opt) Saul Chases David—Samuel 23:13-29 - Meeting in a Cave—Samuel 24:1-12; 16-22
- The End of Saul—Samuel 31:1-13
- King David—2 Samuel 2:1-4; 5:1-4; 9-12
- Bathsheba—2 Samuel 11:1-17; 26-27
- David’s Lesson and the Birth of Solomon—2 Samuel 12:1-24
- Solomon Becomes King—Kings 1:1, 5, 10-18;20-37
- David Dies—Kings 2:1-4;10-12
- The Gift of Wisdom—Kings 3:1-15
- The Judgment—Kings 3:16-28
Building the Temple—Kings 5:1-7; 17-18; 6:1-2; 11-14; 37-38
- Ark and the Temple—Kings 8:1; 3-6; 9-13
- The Queen of Sheba—Kings 10:1-10, 13
- Solomon’s Downfall—Kings 11:4, 6, 9-13
- Jeroboam—Kings 11:26-31, 34-40, 42-43
- Elijah—Kings 17 (all)
- The Challenge—Kings 18:1-9; 13-46
- Still Small Voice—Kings 19
- The Vineyard—Kings 21
- Fire from Heaven—2 Kings 1
- Elijah is Translated—2 Kings 2
- A Pot of Oil—2 Kings 4:1-7
- Seven Sneezes—2 Kings 4:8-37
- Naaman, the Syrian—2 Kings 5
(opt.) Taken Captive—2 Kings 17:6-23 - Hezekiah—2 Kings 18:1-8; 19:15-19; 32-36
- Longer Life—2 Kings 20:1-7
- Captivity is Prophesied—2 Kings 20:14-21
(opt.) Book of Law—2 Kings 22 - Return to Righteousness—2 Kings 23:1-4; 14; 21-27
Nebuchadnezzar—2 Kings 24:10-20
- Jerusalem Destroyed—2 Kings 25:8-21
(opt.) King Cyrus—Ezra 1 (opt.) Rejoicing—Ezra 3 - Darius—Ezra 6:14-22
- The Queen’s Refusal—Esther 1
- A New Queen—Esther 2
- The Decree—Esther 3
- Brave Esther—Esther 4
- The Gallows—Esther 5
- Haman’s Shame—Esther 6
- Haman’s Plot—Esther 7
- Mordecai—Esther 8
- Job—Job 1
- Illness—Job 2:10
- Job’s Blessings—Job 42:1-6; 10-17
- The Lord is my Shepherd—Psalm 23
- Make a Joyful Noise—Psalm 100
A Quiver Full—Psalm 127
- Some Proverbs: 3:5-6; 3:13; 15:1; 17:17; 18:24; 22:6; 23:7; 30:5
(opt.) A Virtuous Woman Proverbs 31:10-31 - There is a Season—Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
(opt.) Messiah is Foretold—Isaiah 9:6-7 - Daniel’s Food—Daniel 1:1-21
- Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream—Daniel 2:1, 16-20,24-30, 46-49
- Into a Furnace—Daniel 3:4-6,8-14, 16-30
- Daniel in the Den of Lions—Daniel 6
- Jonah and the Whale—Jonah Chapters 1-3
- Tithing—Malachi 3:8-12
Highlights from the New Testament
The Gospels
- Zacharias & Elisabeth have a Baby—Luke 1:5-25
- Angel Visits Mary—Luke 1:26-38
Angel Visits Joseph—Matt1:18-24
- Mary and Elisabeth—Luke 1:39-56
- Birth of John the Baptist—Luke 1:57-66
- Birth of Jesus—Luke 2:1-12
- Baby Jesus in the Temple—Luke 2:22-40
- The Wise Men—Matthew 2:1-12
- Journey to Egypt—Matthew 2:13-23
- Boy Jesus Visits the Temple—Luke 2:41-52
- John’s Ministry—Matt. 3:1-17
- Jesus is Tempted—Matt. 4:1-11
(opt.) Disciples of John Follow Jesus—John 1:35-51 - Marriage at Cana—John 2:1-12
- The First Passover—John 2:13-25
- Nicodemus—John 3:1-13 (or to 21)
- The Ministry—John 3:22-36
- John the Baptist Goes to Prison—Matt. 14:1-12
Woman at the Well—John 4:1-42
- Jesus’ Mission Continues—John 4:43-54
- Capernaum—Luke 4:16-44
- The Fishermen—Mark 1:16-20
- The Calling of Peter—Luke 5:1-11
- Leper is Healed—Luke 5:12-16
- The Twelve—Luke 6:12-16; 9:1-11
- Sermon on the Mount—Matt. 5:1-48
(opt.) Sermon on the Mount Continued—Matt. 6:1-34
(opt.) Prayer—Matt. 7:7-23 - Building a House—Matt. 7:24-29
- The Centurion’s Servant—Luke 7:1-10
- The Widow’s Son—Luke 7:11-17
- Healings—Mark 1:29-34
- Peace be Still—Matt. 8:18-27
- The Swine—Matt. 8:28-34
- Miracles in Capernaum—Matt. 9:1-17
- Daughter of Jairus—Matt. 9:18-26
More Miracles in Capernaum—Matt. 9:27-35
(opt.) The Second Passover—John 5:1-47- The Sabbath Day—Matt. 12:1-21
(opt.) Pharisees Ask for a Sign—Matt. 12:38-50 - Parable of the Sower—Luke 8:4-15
- Parable of the Candle—Luke 8:16-18
- Parable of the Tares—Matt. 13:24-30; 36-43
- Parable of the Mustard Seed—Matt. 13:31-33
(opt.) Parable of the Treasure—Matt. 13:44-52 - Carpenter’s Son—Matt. 13:53-58
- Feeding the Five Thousand—Matt. 14:13-21
Walking on Water—Matt. 14:22-33
- More Healings—Matt. 15:21-31
- Feeding the Four Thousand—Matt. 15:32-39
(opt.) Pharisees—Matt. 16:1-12 - Blind Man Sees—Mark 8:22-26
- Peter’s Testimony—Mark 8:27-38
- Transfiguration—Mark 9:2-13
- The Child with Evil Spirits—Mark 9:14-32
- Greatest in the Kingdom—Mark 9:33-37
(opt.) Forgiving—Mark 9:38-50 - Parable of the Lost Sheep—Matt. 18:12-14
(opt.) Parable of the Unmerciful Servant—Matt. 18:23-35 - Feast of the Tabernacle—John 7:2-9
- Samaria—Luke 9:51-56
(opt.) The Seventy—Luke 10:1-20 - Parable of the Good Samaritan—Luke 10:25-37
- Martha & Mary—Luke 10:38-42
- Healing on the Sabbath—Luke 13:10-17
- Parable of the Unjust Steward—Luke 16:1-8
- Parable of the Rich Man—Luke 16:19-31
Ten Lepers—Luke 17:11-19
(opt.) The Adulterous Woman—John 8:1-11
(opt.) Blind Man Healed on Sabbath—John 9:1-41- Parable of the Good Shepherd—John 10:1-18
- Little Children—Matt. 19:13-15
- The Rich Young Ruler—Matt. 19:16-26
- Parable of the Laborers in Vineyard—Matt. 20:1-16
- Feast of Dedication—John 10:22-39
- Lazarus—John 11:1-46
- Two Blind Men—Matt. 20:30-34
- Zacchaeus—Luke 19:1-10
- Parable of Pounds—Luke 19:11-27
- Moneychangers—Matt. 21:12-16
- The Fig-Tree—Matt. 21:17-22
- Authority Challenged—Mat 21:23-27
- Parable of Two Sons—Matt 21:28-32
- Parable of Wicked Husbandmen—Matt. 21:33-46
- Tribute to Caesar—Matt. 22:15-22
- Great Commandment—Matt. 22:34-46
Widow’s Mite—Mark 12:41-44
(opt.) Signs of Second Coming—Matt. 24:1-51- Parable of Ten Virgins—Matt. 25:1-13
- Parable of Talents—Matt. 25:14-30
- Parable of Sheep & Goats—Matt. 25:31-46
- Precious Ointment—Matt. 26:1-13
- Eve of the Passover—Matt. 26:14-25
- The Last Supper—Matt. 26:26-29
- Washing the Disciples’ Feet—John 13:2-17
(opt.) Comfort—John 14:1-31 - Love One Another—John 15:1-17
- Jesus Prays—John 17:1-4 (opt. 5-26)
- Gethsemane—Matt. 26:30-46
- Betrayal—Matt. 26:47-75
- The Trial—Luke 22:63-71; 23:1-25
- The Crucifixion—Matt. 27:27-50
- The Burial—Matt. 27:54-66
- Resurrection—Matt 28:1-15
- Jesus Appears to Disciples—Luke 24:22-49
Doubting Thomas—John 20:24-31
- Peter—John 21:1-25
- The Twelve Disciples Carry the Word—Mark 16:14-20
Acts through 2 Corinthians (Tessa Hauglid)
- Luke Records Jesus Ascension into Heaven—Acts 1:1-11
- A New Apostle—Acts 1:21-26
- Day of Pentecost—Acts 2:1-8, 12-21
- Peter Testifies of Christ—Acts 2:22-24, 38-47
- Peter Heals Lame Man—Acts 3:1-9
- Living the Law of Consecration—Acts 4:31-35
- Ananias and Sapphira Lie and Die (optional) Acts 5:1-11
- Peter and John Arrested and Delivered from Prison—Acts 5:12, 16-32, 41-42
- Transfiguration of Stephen—Acts 6:8-10, 12-15
- Martyrdom: Stephen—Acts 7:51-60
- Simon Tries to Buy Priesthood Power (opt.) Acts 8:13-24
- Philip Teaches an Ethiopian Eunuch—Acts 8:26-35
- Ethiopian Eunuch is Baptized—Acts 8:36-39
Jesus Appears to Saul—Acts 9:1-9
- Ananias Restores Saul’s Sight—Acts 9:10-18
- Peter Heals Aeneas and Raises Dorcas—Acts 9:32-42
- Angel Appears to Cornelius in a Vision—Acts 10:1-8
- Peter Told to Take the Gospel to the Gentiles— Acts 10:9, 11-23
- Peter Meets Cornelius and Others—Acts 10:24-33
- Peter Teaches Cornelius and His Household—Acts 10:34-48
- Believers Are Called Christians—Acts 11:19-26
- Martyrdom of James and Freeing of Peter from Prison—Acts 12:1-11
- Paul Preaches in Macedonia and Converts Lydia— Acts 16:9-15
- Paul and Silas Jailer Converts—Acts 16:16-34
- Paul Preaches at Mars Hill—Acts 17:16-33
- Paul Teaches Gentiles—Act 18:1-11
- Apollo’s Converted and Holy Ghost Given—Acts 18:24-28; 19:1-6
- Sleeping in Church Can Be Deadly—Acts 20-7-12
- Paul Prepares to Leave the Ephesians—Acts 20:17-38
- Paul Arrested—Acts 21:8-14, 26-36
Paul Recounts His Conversion (opt.) Acts 21:37-40; 22:1-21
- Paul Declares His Roman Citizenry—Acts 22:22-30
- Paul Sees the Lord in Vision—Acts 23:1-11
- Forty Men Plot to Kill Paul—Acts 23:12-35
- Paul Defends Self—Acts 24:10-27
- Paul Appeals to Caesar—Acts 25:1-4, 6-12, 22-27
- Paul Testifies before King Agrippa—Acts 26:1-23
- Agrippa Almost Converted—Acts 26:24-32
- Paul’s Perilous Journey—Acts 27:1-2, 9-11, 18-26, 40-44
- Paul Heals and Teaches—Acts 28:1-11, 16, 23-24, 30-31
- Paul’s Letter to the Roman—Romans 1:1, 7-12, 16-18, 29-32
- God Renders to Every Man According to His Needs—Romans 2:1-2, 6-11
- Abraham’s Faith—Romans 4:1-3, 13, 18-25
- Justification Is through Blood of Christ—Romans 5:1-11
- Baptism Like Death and Resurrection of Christ—Romans 6:3-11, 22-23
- To Be Spiritually Minded Is Life and Peace—Romans 8:1-6
- Sons of God Have Hope—Romans 8:14-17, 24-28, 35-39
- Christ Is the End of the Law—Romans 10:1-6, 8-13, 17
- Live as Saints—Romans 12:1-21
- Love Fulfills Law—Romans 13:8-12
Avoid Judging One Another—Romans 14:1-19
- Paul’s Letter to Corinthians—1 Cor. 1:1-4, 10, 17-19, 23-24, 27, 30-31
- The Spirit Reveals All Things—1 Cor. 2:1-16
- Ye Are the Temple of God—1 Cor. 3:10-21, 23
- The Lords Supper—1 Cor. 11:20
- Gifts of the Spirit—1 Cor. 12:1, 3-12
- Church Comprised of Members—1 Cor. 12:13-31
- Charity Never Faileth—1 Cor. 13:1-13
- Paul’s Testimony of Christ and Baptism for Dead—1 Cor. 15:3-24, 29
- Degrees of Glory and Resurrection—1 Cor. 15:40-41, 51-58
- Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians—2 Cor. 1:1-5, 21-24
- Gospel Surpasses Law of Moses—2 Cor. 3:2-6, 12-18
- We Walk by Faith—2 Cor. 5:7-10, 17
- Believers Not Yoked with Unbelievers (opt.) 2 Cor. 6:14-18
- God Loveth a Cheerful Giver—2 Cor. 8:9; 9:6-11
- Paul Glories in His Infirmities for Christ—2 Cor. 11:23-28; 12:5-10; 13:11-14
Added by someone else, unknown—but THANKS!
- Fruit of the Spirit—Gal. 5:22-26
- Sowing and Reaping—Gal. 6:6-10
- By Grace Through Faith—Eph. 2:1-10
- Our Chief Cornerstone—Eph. 2:19-22
- The Armor of God—Eph.6:10-20
- The Coming of the Lord—1 Thess. 4:13-5:11
- The Last Days—2 Tim. 3:1-9
- God is Love—1 John 4:7-21
- A Voice as a Trumpet—Rev.1:9-19
- The New Jerusalem—Rev.21:1-7
- The River of Life—Rev.22:1-5