Simulation: Mother Needs Millions
You have just hung up the phone after hearing the terrible news. Through the tears, a loved one has just informed you that your mother has a rare disease. It is in the early stages, so there is time to treat it, and it can be healed by surgery. In fact, the good news is that there won’t be any negative effects for the next five years, and the surgery can be done at the end of five years. However, if the surgery isn’t completed by the end of the 62nd month from right now, your mother will suffer terrible pain and once the deterioration passes that point the surgery won’t do any good. All holistic and alternative methods have been considered and reconsidered—none of them will work. Unfortunately, the cost of the surgery is $1.2 million, and must be paid in full before the surgery can take place. After the initial surgery in 60 months, she will need an annual follow-up surgery costing $985,000 a year. No insurance, government programs or special programs are available, and the rest of your family combined can only come up with a total of $53,000. You are the sole source of payment for the surgeries. More than that, you feel deep down inside that it is your mission to find the money for this.
Write a business plan for a real organization that, after expenses and living, will net you the needed $1.2 million (plus a 15% buffer) in 60 months and at least $985,000 (plus 15%) annually thereafter. Write a full business plan—with details, financials, executive summary, etc. Make it acceptable to investors and bankers. Make it real.
Due Friday at 4:00 pm. Must be turned in by 4:00.
Labs will be held at 10:00 am on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
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