Every person has an important mission in life, and every child deserves an education to match his/her mission.
Best selling Author Alvin Toffler wrote that truly successful parents and schools in the 21st century will replace rote memorization and a culture of academic conformity with the opposite: creative thinking, personalized learning for each student, and individual mentoring.
- You want to put behind your feelings of overwhelm, frustration, or uncertainty—to make your homeschool fun and inspiring.
- You want your learning environment to be meaningful and effective, so that each family member experiences excellent, passion-led learning.

- You want your family relationships to flourish.
- You want your kids to succeed and thrive in their college, career and life goals.
How can you get these things?
Let TJED help you accomplish your mission. It’s what TJED is all about.
“I have read TJEd twice, and I LOVE it! Oliver DeMille voices the need for a generation of leaders to be thoughtfully trained in our homes today. This is a message that homeschoolers need to hear! I don’t know when I’ve seen another book that communicates with such clarity, purpose and vision the powerful potential of homeschool. I find myself nodding my head and marking passages that sound like something I might have said–and DeMille says it so well.
“TJEd gives clarity and purpose to the decision to homeschool, and a template that can be applied by any family to achieve their goals. I refer to it often as a handbook to help me further my own studies, and highly recommend it to anyone interested in quality education. Parents, teachers, and students alike will be energized by this exciting book.”
“Now, having applied for several years— albeit imperfectly—the “Seven Keys…”, along with many other ideas gleaned from the TJEd book and related materials, my children are thriving. They really don’t know or care what “grade” they are in, and they never say the word “schoolwork” (except by accident). We “study” as a family, and the “Love of Learning” phase is truly exciting.
“My older children have been successful in Great Books programs in college, and I, myself, have taken time to read and study more than I ever would have thought possible. As you might imagine, I am profoundly grateful to Oliver DeMille and his co-authors for opening this world of educational thinking, life to me. It is now my great privilege to be able to speak to parents and teachers around the world, and help them rebuild their education paradigm, pointing them to the same source of wisdom that I was so fortunate to find.”
“I am so grateful for the principles taught in A Thomas Jefferson Education! Because of that book, I’ve had five of my children home with me for the last two years now, and the ‘detox’ process has paid off tremendously.
“Our home is more peaceful, and the children have learned to be independently creative, finding fascination in the simplest things. I feel that if the world were to fall apart all around us today, I’d be at peace knowing I followed my own instinct, and because of it, our family has developed a greater feeling of unity, and a higher awareness of God’s greater purpose for our lives. To me, that’s leadership training.”
“Oliver and Rachel DeMille have inspired me as a teacher and a parent. Oliver’s book, A Thomas Jefferson Education, has not only helped my wife Laura and I create a better educational environment for our children, but has constantly reminded me that master teachers believe that each child who walks into their classroom is a genius, waiting to be discovered.
“As a co-founder of Acton MBA (as well as the recently launched Acton Academy for children and youth) I believe our future rests on how we inspire the next generation of leaders to educate themselves –- safe from the meddling of ‘assembly-line’ schools. It’s only through the efforts of educators like Oliver and Rachel DeMille that we can hope to safeguard our freedom and prosperity for the next two hundred years.”
For the basic overview of TJEd, including:
- The 3 Types of Education
- The 7 Keys of Great Teaching
- The Phases of Learning
- The 5 Environments of Mentoring
- Tips for professional educators
- Basic ideas for how to apply Thomas Jefferson Education in a home school
- Teaching the classics of math, science, history, the arts, etc.
- Thomas Jefferson Education in college and careers