Choice One: A Revolution of Entrepreneurship
Chapter 1- The Needed Revolution
Human Society through the Ages * Producer versus Employee Society * The Power of Entrepreneurship * The Growing Popularity of Producer Education * Entrepreneurs and Freedom
Chapter 2- Five Types of Producers
1: Gurus * 2: Statesmen * 3-4: Investors and Entrepreneurs * An American, a Frenchman and a Russian * The Employee versus Owner Mindsets * 5: Intrapreneurs * The Synergy of Created Value * Producer Mistake #1: The Generation Gap * Producer Mistake #2: The Blinders * Producer Mistake #3: Arrogance
Chapter 3- Producer Families
The Renaissance of the Family * As the Family Goes, So Goes the Nation * A Disturbing Divergence from the Past * The Potential Tragedy of Lost Opportunities * The Good News * The Little Things That Make a Huge Difference
Chapter 4- How to Become a Producer
Dependents versus Independents * Three Types of Independents * Non-Producer Attempts to Create Producers * The Answer * The Real Point * First, study successful producers. * Second, study what producers study. * Third, find and work with mentors who are successful producers. * Finally: Get Off the Conveyor Belt. * Dead Poet’s Society * The Chemistry of Genius? * Mentoring Matters * Individualization Breeds Innovation
Chapter 5- Hamilton vs. Jefferson
Failed Solutions * Major Challenges * Habits and Complexes * Poor Complexion * The Right Level of Complexity * Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous * Specific Entrepreneurial Challenges
Chapter 6- The Anti-federalists and Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurs Change the Debate * Anti-federalist Predictions 1 – 6 * Solutions Old and New * We the People * Live Long and Prosper: The Entrepreneurial Mindset
Chapter 7- Get Back in Line!
Elementary Culture * High School Culture * College-Corporate Culture * Official Culture * Adult Culture * The Hidden War * No Chewing Gum!
Chapter 8- Robin Hood or Prince John?
What is Socialism? * If It Quacks Like a Duck * Socialism versus Aristocracy * Why the Difference Matters * Virile and Viral
Choice 2: Rise of the Independents
Chapter 9- How to Really Understand the Issues
Pre-modernism and Modernism * Government versus Markets * The Current Debate * The End of Conservative versus Liberal * Postmodernism and Independents * The New Majority * The Issue Behind the Issues * How to See What is Really Happening
Chapter 10- “Mr. Head Democrat” (or Republican)
Three Americas * “Mr. Head Democrat” * Independent Power * A Tipping Point Trend * Investing in the Future * Learning from Both Sides * Winning Elections and Hearts Through Leadership
Chapter 11- A Tale of Two Parties
The Loyal Opposition * Civics 102a * Republicans: The Party of Nixon versus The Party of Reagan * A Bad Day to Be a Populist * Vast Right Wing Conspiracy * Crazy Like a Fox * Riddle: When is a Democracy Not a Democracy? * If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It * Does No Mean Yes? * Democrats: Leftists, Leaders and Special Interests * A Rainbow Fringe * Is That Too Much to Ask? * Capturing the Middle Ground * What They Want * A Tough Sell * American Independents and American Indpendence
Chapter 12- The New Global Elite Class
American Decline * Rediscovering the American Dream * The Effectiveness of Liberty
Chapter 13- The Latch Key Generation and Independents
Three Versions of Management * Management 3.0 * Generations * Independent Philosophy
Chapter 14- Beyond the Vote
Keynesiansim * The End of History * Responses to Being Patronized * The Big Decision
Chapter 15- Winning Elections
Let’s Party! * Party People * Winning Elections
Choice Three: Building and Leading the New Tribes
Chapter 16- Why Tribes are Vital to Success in the 21st Century
Our Tribal Roots * Civics 101 * Freedom at the Local Level
Chapter 17- A Basic Tribal Culture
Pitfalls of National Culture * The Tribal Worldview * The Universe * The Shadow Side * Major Weaknesses of Tribalism * Economic Control * Interpersonal Politics * Class Power * Conformity * Lack of Diversity * Conclusion
Chapter 18- Types of Tribes: Past to Future
Level One Tribes: Everyone Knows Everyone * Level Two Tribes: A Community You Can Count On * Level Three Tribes: Cooperating for a Paycheck * New Tribes: A Fourth Level * The Future of New Tribes
Chapter 19- Tribal vs. National
America’s Societal Evolution * A New Type of Community * Niches * Tribal Power * Lessons of Tribes * Lessons on Happiness
Chapter 20- A Return to Tribal Education
It Takes a Parent * Building Your Community * Filling Your Community With the Tribes You Need * The Deeply Caring Community of New Tribes
Chapter 21- Tribes, Nations, Civilizations and Mega-Cultures
Civilizations * Mega-Cultures * The Diseases * Health Insurance * Leadership in the New Tribes * A Time for Leaders
Chapter 22- The Eight Meanings of Freedom
False Two’s * The Real Divide * Angry and Afraid * Hopeful and Helpful * Eight is Enough * Kindergarten Lessons * The Freedom Tribe * Who Can Stand
Conclusion: A Decision
The Three Choices Have Worked Before * The Value of One Thread
Here’s what readers have said about this timely book:
“FreedomShift is a book to be read and re-read. DeMille has stepped to the front lines in the battle for America’s freedom.”
~Orrin Woodward, Top-25 Leadership Guru
“Oliver DeMille stands like a signpost pointing the way toward a better, freer, saner society in keeping with our founding ideals. Regarding America’s decline, many people are finally asking “What can we do?” In FreedomShift, DeMille very clearly answers the question with thoughtful, specific, and intelligent direction. FreedomShift is not only a must-read book, it is a must-follow road map.”
~Chris Brady, NYTimes, USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Rascal: Making a Difference by Becoming an Original Character
“I wanted to highlight so much of FreedomShift it would bleed day-glow yellow.”
“Refreshing, dynamic and optimistically doable.”
~D. Goff
“I’ve been telling my friends about it and they want to tear it out of my hands!!!”
~A. Agent
“With its clear explanation of where we are and where we may go, FreedomShift leaves me feeling optimistic about my life and my …grandchildren’s future. DeMille clearly shows the challenges and opportunities we face, and answers the nagging question, ‘But what can I DO?'”
~J. Wagner
“Revolutionary, insightful and practical, FreedomShift describes the serious threats to freedom, prosperity and happiness today and offers powerful solutions to these challenges. DeMille not only invites readers to study and take responsibility for their freedom (and to stop leaving it to political professionals), but he also teaches powerful principles that enable readers to take action and make a difference. I love this book!”
~M. Clark
“If you want shallow opinions and simple answers, turn on talk radio. If you want depth and principles, turn to Oliver DeMille. If you think one election creates change, then make a sign and march on Washington. But if you want to catalyze real and lasting change, read FreedomShift and apply its vital lessons. This is the real deal. And because it is, it’s not an easy read, nor is it easy to apply. The question asked of every free citizen is this: Is it worth it?“
~Stephen Palmer, co-author of NYTimes best-selling book, Killing Sacred Cows
“What an amazing book. I’ve always considered myself a ‘conservative’ but Oliver has debunked the rhetoric and helped me understand the importance of objectivity in ‘choosing political sides’. I’m a lot more tolerant of opinions that differ from my own as a direct result of reading FreedomShift. My motivation to make a great difference in my family, community, and nation is stronger than ever. My resolve to help make a ‘freedom shift’ happen has greater meaning to me and my family.”
~D. Olenslager
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