
What of Poetry?

TG writes: I listened to the recent webinar and was pretty energized by it. What I found enlightening was how Music was placed at the highest level of education. It makes sense; so many of us strive to include more music of all kinds in [...]

My husband doesn’t want to home school….

  Q:   I really have liked your Thomas Jefferson Education book and want to use it with my children, but I have a husband that does not believe that public schools are bad and is not supportive of me home schooling my children; nor [...]

August 2012 Inspire Newsletter

Featured Article: “Hire Education?” by Oliver DeMille "A Thomas Jefferson Cultivation" by Rachel DeMille "Word's Getting Around!" by Rachel DeMille ****************** Featured Article: Hire Education by Oliver DeMille In the past week I’ve seen the phrase “Hire Education” in a magazine and on two billboards—all [...]

TJEd and the “French Way”

A book review of Druckerman's Bringing up Bébé Many people around the world are discovering principles of great education that those using TJEd are already applying. The "conveyor belt" approach to learning has two big competitors in this second decade of the twenty-first century. I [...]

I Can’t Read!

And: The Angels in My Life   By Dian Thomas Recently I was talking to a friend, Marsha Warner, who has been a real support to coach me to get my house organized. There are those times in our lives when we have to stop [...]

Homeschooling Special Needs, Part 2

Click here to read Part 1 >> The Homeschool Okay, you never wrote back re: homeschool, but upon re-reading your question I realized ;-) that I probably DID do a lot of saying what was on my heart, and not what you asked for. So, [...]

Homeschooling Special Needs, Part 1

Hi Rachel, We've met before, but I know that you've met a thousand unknown people. I'm K.D.; P.G. is my brother. Anyway, I had a baby, G----, mid-November who has hydrocephalus. She spent the first twelve days of life at Primary Children's in the NICU. [...]

Five Years Old

by Arianne Cope If you think in seasons, plant cereals. If you think in decades, plant trees. If you think in centuries, educate your children. -Chinese Proverb Happy Birthday to my five year old. You are shedding your preschool self and stepping into boyhood. This [...]

The Principles of Great Education Matter

by Oliver DeMille Some things work, and some things don’t. If you are trying to help a young person, or any person, get a truly great education, you’d better allow him—or, even better, help him—to fall in love with learning. And you’d better help him [...]

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