
1 12, 2015

Inspiration Smoothies: What to do? by Rachel DeMille

Do you ever stress about your kids' future? Do you ever stress that you're not good enough for what they need? What can you do about it? This morning I received a private message from an online friend, who I thought beautifully put in to [...]

6 11, 2015

Inspiration Smoothies: Good Days and Good Days

How was your day? Recently, on our Facebook discussion group, I read the following comment: "Today was an awesome homeschool day. With lots of reading, counting, math, science, art, history, even some helping around the house, cooking, and quality outdoor time. It would be cool [...]

2 10, 2015

Inspiration Smoothies: Making Up for Lost Time

Making Up for Lost Time by Rachel DeMille Many people struggle with feeling a sense of lost or wasted time in their education, or perhaps in their preparation to be a parent or a mentor. They lament with myriad versions of "if only," and torture [...]

19 08, 2015

More About Weekly Interviews: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Introduction: There were several questions in response to my recent article about using Weekly Interviews with your kids and students in Love of Learning Phase. In fact, these were really good questions, and I think they’ll be helpful for everyone. Here they [...]

1 06, 2015

TJEd & COLLEGE PART II “Titanic Education” by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille (To read TJEd & College Part I, click here) Needing Greatness Higher education is incredibly important for today’s rising generations. As the middle class dwindles and the divide between the affluent and others widens, many of the old education/career options are becoming [...]

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