home school

23 05, 2011

Homeschooling Insights: What is Core Phase?

Core Phase is that magical time of nurture and growth, almost like a cocoon. The environment is perfect for defining what the individual will become. Later, in other phases, exposure to the challenging circumstances and ideas help the individual grow strong; in Core Phase, such [...]

20 05, 2011

Learning vs. Schooling

The secret of any great education is love of learning. Note that the phrase here is love of “learning,” not love of “schooling,” or love of “education.” Learning should be the focus of schools and education, but this is not always the case. Many schools [...]

1 05, 2010

Poetry and Kidschool

I love poetry! It is so amazing to me the way that art so seemingly effortlessly communicates on so many levels, with precision, economy and beauty! When my family and I learn poetry together, several things take place...

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