
6 02, 2013

Three Powerful Words: The Weekly Mentor

You don't know??? “You don’t know?” Meri asked me in shock. “You don’t know?” The incredulous look on her face made me laugh. “Daddy -- you don’t know?” she repeated for the third time. Then she cocked her head in a way only a 9-year-old [...]

4 09, 2012

My husband doesn’t want to home school….

  Q:   I really have liked your Thomas Jefferson Education book and want to use it with my children, but I have a husband that does not believe that public schools are bad and is not supportive of me home schooling my children; nor [...]

26 04, 2012

I Can’t Read!

And: The Angels in My Life   By Dian Thomas Recently I was talking to a friend, Marsha Warner, who has been a real support to coach me to get my house organized. There are those times in our lives when we have to stop [...]

26 04, 2012

Homeschooling Special Needs, Part 2

Click here to read Part 1 >> The Homeschool Okay, you never wrote back re: homeschool, but upon re-reading your question I realized ;-) that I probably DID do a lot of saying what was on my heart, and not what you asked for. So, [...]

5 04, 2012

Five Years Old

by Arianne Cope If you think in seasons, plant cereals. If you think in decades, plant trees. If you think in centuries, educate your children. -Chinese Proverb Happy Birthday to my five year old. You are shedding your preschool self and stepping into boyhood. This [...]

14 12, 2011

Home School Insights: Unschooling Rules (Book Review)

“Each child has a spark of genius waiting to be discovered, ignited, and fed. And the goal of schools shouldn’t be to manufacture ‘productive citizens’ to fill some corporate cubicle; it should be to inspire each child to find a ‘calling’ that will change the world. The jobs for the future are no longer Manager, Director, or Analyst, but Entrepreneur, Creator, and even Revolutionary.”

23 05, 2011

The Key of Keys in Leadership Education

Allan Bloom wrote in The Closing of the American Mind: “People sup together, play together, travel together, but they do not think together. Hardly any homes have any intellectual life whatsoever, let alone one that informs the vital interests of life. Educational TV marks the [...]

20 05, 2011

Learning vs. Schooling

The secret of any great education is love of learning. Note that the phrase here is love of “learning,” not love of “schooling,” or love of “education.” Learning should be the focus of schools and education, but this is not always the case. Many schools [...]

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