
25 04, 2014

Once Upon a Time

To anyone who ever has or ever will tell a bedtime story... By Sara DeMille* There once was a great Storyteller. The people of the land sought him out to hear his amazing stories of adventure, love, comedy, and daring. So great was his skill [...]

14 03, 2013

Lego Logistics: Building Blocks to Reading Success

When Two Classics are Combined Guest post by Cat Charissage I.  The “Problem” Personally, I would have been happy if my son had been an early reader. I read to him as a baby constantly; in fact, I think he may have recognized the stories [...]

26 04, 2012

I Can’t Read!

And: The Angels in My Life   By Dian Thomas Recently I was talking to a friend, Marsha Warner, who has been a real support to coach me to get my house organized. There are those times in our lives when we have to stop [...]

14 01, 2012

In Context: A Commentary on Scholarship

I once read an article by two religious scholars who were very concerned about the qualified and credible scholarship of an individual with what they considered to be a competing religious worldview. It was intriguing to consider the controversy from the point of view of [...]

8 11, 2011

Metaphorically Speaking

Our modern educational system has taught most of us to focus on the literal, to separate the fields of knowledge, to learn topics as if they are fundamentally detached from each other, and to build areas of expertise and career around disconnected specialties. We are [...]

9 06, 2011

Seven More Words on Education – From the Greek…

I recently wrote an article entitled “Eight Words for Education.” A few days later, I came across a similar list outlined by the sixteenth century scholar Roger Ascham (best known for tutoring the children of Henry VIII and navigating that turbulent court without losing his [...]

26 10, 2010

Raising Acorns

I am an acorn full of potential, in need of nourishing with sun and soil and rain I sprout, upward and down I am a seedling surrounded by siblings sending shoots and roots I explore, grow and expand I am a sapling reaching for the [...]

25 10, 2010

What I want to be when I grow up….

Returning again to the discussion I had with a friend who runs a book discussion group. We agreed that we had both learned a great deal because of the courage of one woman to not walk in lock-step with the others in the group and [...]

1 05, 2010

Poetry and Kidschool

I love poetry! It is so amazing to me the way that art so seemingly effortlessly communicates on so many levels, with precision, economy and beauty! When my family and I learn poetry together, several things take place...

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