
21 10, 2016

Homeschool Q&A: 7 and 2yo – what to do? Inspiration Smoothies by Rachel DeMille

C. R. says: I'm working through The Phases of Learning and am wondering how to structure/assist the learning if they're young Love of Learners. I have a 7yo girl and a 2yo girl. Say, if the 7yo wants to learn about "George Washington", where do [...]

17 10, 2016

Homework, Homeschool, and Mothers: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

Trapped Sometimes reading a certain article, book, blog, tweet or other idea just … sticks. It resonates. It’s memorable. It makes you think. Or laugh. Maybe it causes you to frown. Or shake your head in surprise. For example, I recently read an article published [...]

1 12, 2013

Hack-ademics. What do you want to be when you grow up?

A recent TEdx talk was given by 11 year old homeschooler Logan LaPlante. He argues (among many, many other wonderful points) that "education" too often asks kids to define "what they want be when they grow up," without abilifying them to be happy. Logan likens [...]

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