
14 10, 2010

Trust. Acknowledgment. Pioneers.

Some of the important elements of undertaking the path of Leadership Education are Trust and Acknowledgment. Trust that the best way to inform your choices is principles Trust that principles lead to desired outcomes Trust that doing the right thing in this moment is enough [...]

7 10, 2010

Family Roles

Nothing will have more impact on the future of the world than the future of families. This truism is sobering as we watch the decline of the family. As we consider the industrialized world, it is disturbing to note that even amongst those who espouse, [...]

30 09, 2010

On Entropy and Allegiance

On entropy, and allegiance… I have been thinking about the great forces of the universe. One is a creative force, and one, a destructive one. It seems that in the state of nature these forces almost balance. Sort of the “circle of life” scenario, where all [...]

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