Freedom Audios

  • A 5-Week Course Taught by Oliver DeMille  The class will build on Oliver’s seminar, “Hanging By a Thread,” and take participants through the main points of the Constitution, how our freedoms have eroded, and what is needed to get back to a truly free system. This will be taught in the deep yet enjoyable style students have come to expect from Oliver DeMille, appealing to those who need to learn the basics about the Constitution and also to advanced Constitutional experts — and everyone in between. Don’t miss this chance to learn about the Constitution from one of the top freedom thinkers of our time!
  • The Media Vault

    The TJEd Media Vault is a treasure trove of content that allows you to read, listen, view and stream - on-demand - All accessed through the learning portal alongside your other courses and mentoring services.
  • This presentation by Oliver DeMille is a live recording of a workshop delivered at the 2009 TJEd Forum in Salt Lake City, Utah.  Run time: Approximately 53 minutes
  • Oliver DeMille draws from intensive study of the Founding generation to identify five defining ideals of Americanism. Presented before a live audience. Run Time: Approximately 1 hour
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