
23 03, 2011

The Family Way

What is FEC? In the past few years, we have witnessed a groundswell of people wishing to work on their fathering, mothering, manliness and femininity. The conveyor belt has stripped our society of clear understandings of our basic roles as men and women, and it [...]

15 03, 2011

Steel to Gold: Feminism vs. Stateswomanship

There is a widespread myth that feminism came about in the 20th Century, that—along with Civil Rights and Environmentalism—feminism is one of our great modern advances. The truth is that feminism has a much earlier origin. In the Beginning... Adam and Eve left the Garden [...]

2 11, 2010

Creative Accounting

Some time ago I read an article in the NY Times about a man who defrauded investors of billions of dollars. Not really news these days, I guess. Seems like there's a lot of creative bookkeeping going on out there. It's an inventive way to [...]

7 10, 2010

Family Roles

Nothing will have more impact on the future of the world than the future of families. This truism is sobering as we watch the decline of the family. As we consider the industrialized world, it is disturbing to note that even amongst those who espouse, [...]

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