Holiday Sales Overview – Scroll down for details and coupon codes:
- 10% off select books, audios and merch
- 50% off short-form courses
- 40% off select bundles
- Special Bonus content for new and continuing subscribers to our flagship courses
- Special offers on TJEd Depth Base and Advanced-level Mentoring
- 15% off Complete Intelligence series

Hot deals for this year:
- Sign up for a subscription to YSS or TJEd High and get our new TJEd Roadmap course free!
- Get a yearly renewing subscription to Mentoring in the Classics or YSS and get the Leadership Education Library free – plus lots more digital content!
Sure, Black Friday/Cyber Monday is a thing.
But we like to be early, and easy to deal with.
Our sales start right NOW, and go halfway into next month!!

10% off bundles, books, audiobooks, ebooks, merch and more!
I mean, honestly: Wouldn’t a TJEd Book Bag be just wonderful under the tree??
And you have to have been wanting a Leadership Education Manifesto – amiright?
Snap it up and start the new year right!
Our acclaimed short-form courses are on deep discount right now.
Some of the most effective and long-lived TJEd communities we know of attribute their success to starting their new families off by taking the How to Mentor course together.
It’s brilliant for those who are wanting to be better mentees and better mentors – and as one of our short-form courses, it’s on sale right now for 50% off using the coupon code 50-off-2024!
Gifts for Dads, Moms & Teens
Get 40% off the Dad’s Toolkit – an amazing bundle of PDF and audio content especially for Papa Bear.
Mama Bear will love the Homeschool Resource Bundle.
And tall, gangly Teen Bear will find the Scholar’s Bundle juuuuust right!

AND! Whether you’re a long-time participant in our courses or a new subscriber, you’ll love the bonuses that appear in your content this month!
Sign up now – and check out the BONUS section for special value only available at this time of year….
Each product’s bonus content is distinct, so if you subscribe to more than one, you get additional content!
And: If you’re already a subscriber, the bonus content is there for you, too!!

What do you get for the person who has everything?
More. Deeper. Better.

TJEd Depth is serious mentoring for those who are ready to make a difference in their education, career, mentoring and mission.
TJEd Depth is designed for:
- college-level studies as enhancement to a formal program, or complete Depth-level mentoring
- continuing education for adults who are ready for a Depth mentor and learning community
- professional-level mentoring for those who are in the fray and need deep understanding and a Mission mentor to help them fulfill their purpose
TJEd Depth Base Level includes:
- Live Cohort Course
- Discussion Forum
- Periodic Video Discussions/Seminars
- Field Experience Cohorts (every 3 months a new project)
- Online Events
- Online Simulations
- Advanced Current Events LibertyCast with Oliver DeMille
Click the button below for more information on course content and features.
The TJEd Depth Advanced offers all that the Base level does, plus many additional high-value benefits – including personal mentoring and near-daily online discussion with Oliver DeMille in a dedicated private forum.
Many have paid 5-digit sums for far less access, and the value of these sessions is priceless.
Oliver DeMille has described this work as his “Magnum Opus.”
- Rich, Hardcover Kivar 7 Binding
- Cover Art “Liberty Tree” Embossed with Gold and Black Foil
- Silk Bookmark Ribbon
- Custom Endsheets
- Fully Indexed
- Specially Designed Margins and Endpapers for Annotation
And last, but certainly not least, the Intelligence series has reached its climax, and the complete set is available now for holiday gifting!
We’ll even have the author autograph your books on request! Just specify the dedication in the notes section of your order.
Get 15% off the complete Intelligence series* when you buy the whole series together!
*available in ebook and paperback – no coupon code required
“A dystopian novel worthy of sitting beside titles like The Hunger Games and The Giver, Intelligence tells a story that is crucial to our rising generation. Excellent for teens and adults, its deep and plentiful messages remind readers about the impact of our current decisions on our future, providing hours of discussion time after just a single chapter!”
~Jonathan D. Martin, 14-year-old TJEd High student
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