The Coming Aristocracy

The Coming Aristocracy


The Coming Aristocracy is a book for anyone concerned about the decline of America and the steady loss of freedom. More precisely, it is for those dedicated to reversing those trends through education and entrepreneurship.

Drawing from years of intense and exhaustive research, Oliver DeMille demonstrates why social, economic, and political equality are being steadily eroded.

He highlights crucial constitutional changes, analyzes the current economic crisis, explains why both liberals and conservatives promote aristocracy, and articulates a comprehensive formula for restoring the American republic.

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The “Mini-Factory” Freedom Shift

America was built and became great on the backs of free and independent owners. If we are to become great again, two things must happen: 1) the owners must again lead, and 2) a significant number of citizens must again become owners. And the key to both of these is Leadership Education.

Together, these initiatives form the greatest freedom trend of our time: “mini-factories.” A mini-factory is “where you do something that has been done historically by institutions, but you do it just as well (or in a way that is preferable for some reason) on a smaller scale.”

Entrepreneurship, alternative education, downshifters, environmentalists, alternative health, the growth of spirituality, community architecture, the explosion of network marketing, home doctor visits, local gardening are all examples of mini-factories.

Big, institutional, non-transparent, bureaucratic organizations are supporters of aristocracy. Freedom flourishes when the people are as independent, free, and as self-sufficient as possible.

Mini-factories are the fertilizer of freedom and the enemies of aristocracy. And The Coming Aristocracy gives you insight, knowledge, and motivation to lead the mini-factory freedom shift in your own life.

Mini-factory owners think, act, and vote differently than either aristocrats or dependents — they do so as free men and women. They study the nature and anatomy of freedom and are actively engaged in its protection because they have the most to lose from the lack of it, as well as the most to gain from its thriving success.

They are the new Founders engaged in the sustainable, bottom-up, inside-out Freedom Shift.


Publisher:  Second printing, July 2011 by The Center for Social Leadership
Page Count:  114
ISBN-13: 978-0983099642
Dimensions: 9 in × 6 in × 0.4 in
Weight: 8 oz

Chapter Outline: 

Introduction: Aristocracy vs. Freedom

A New Era? • The Return of Aristocratic Rule • The Battlefield of Education • The “Other” Individuals • Jefferson vs. Hamilton • Freedom Rests with Owners • Aristocracy vs. Freedom

Chapter 1: The Solution: Mini-Factories

The “Bottom-up” Trend • Modernism vs. Mini-Factories • Freedom: The Impetus • What is a Mini-Factory? • Organic Growth • The Education of Failure • Live Deliberately

Chapter 2: Freedom Education

The Time Factor • The Genius of the American Revolution • The Northwest Ordinance • Leadership Education for Everyone

Chapter 3: The End of the Republic

Short-Term Pragmatism • Principled Realism • The “Permanent Campaign” • 21st Century Politics • Everyone Wants to be Rescued • What did the Founders Have in Mind?

Chapter 4: The Era of Liberals & Conservatives is Over

When Both Sides are Wrong • Statism or Market-ism • The Global Aristocracy • America’s Traditional Great Idea • Conservatives & Liberals: Aristocrats • The Choice of the “Regular” People

Chapter 5: Aristocratic Elections

The Irony of American Politics • Progressives, Radicals, & the Brain • Shared Methodology • Independent Thinking? • Uniting the Rest of Us

Chapter 6: A New Political Party?

Shifting Terms: Democracy, Freedom, Capitalism • Three Main Parties • Why Can’t the Freedom Party Win?

Chapter 7: The Economic Crisis

Establishment & Governance • Conglomerate, Distinguish, Close • Dialectical Statecraft • Conglomerate, Negotiate, Legislate • Why Congress Can’t Establish New Models • “We’re All Socialists Now” • Leading vs. Managing or Governing

Chapter 8: Aristotechnology

Internet at a Crossroads • Generative Future v. Tethered Appliances • Separations, Checks, & Balances • Freedom, Technology, & Society

Chapter 9: A New American Strategy

Terrorism: The New World Reality • Auxiliary Precautions • Ends & Means • Opportunity Leaders vs. Problem Solvers • Scarcity vs. Abundance • Become the Most Inviting Nation • Power as Purpose

Chapter 10: Elitism vs. Wisdom

Highly-Trained Experts • Two Types of Socialism, Two Types of Capitalism • Class System • Three Necessary Elements of Democratic Capitalism • Is this the America We Want?

Chapter 11: Domesticating Aristocracy

How did the Founders Do It? • Two Sets of Rules • The Special Club

Chapter 12: Aristo-trends

Traps, Tests, Trials • The Treasury Trap • The Trilateral Trap • The Trap of the Top • The Terrorism Trap • The Tribo-national Trap • The Training Trap • The True Trap • The Two Places that Teach Freedom

Conclusion: The Mini-Factory Freedom Shift

The Spinning Wheel Principle • The Crippling Fallacy of the Freedom Movement • Bottom-up, Inside-Out • The Georgics Mindset • The Battle for Perspective • Awakening the Masses • Bear Your Cross • Be a Trim Tab

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 0.4 in


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