
Leader in Progress: Please Do Not Disturb

By Angela Baker Recently I was meeting with my children and outlining the structure of our summer schedule. My 12 year old daughter, our second child, was visibly disgruntled about something during our meeting. I met with her afterward and we had an enlightening heart-to-heart [...]

Homeschooling a Large Family, 2

Rachel, I do have one little question, if you don't mind: which age of children do you spend the most time on/with (I know the balance thing—and I know what I do—but I want to hear from another mother with very special demands and a [...]

What Homeschoolers Want Most

What American Homeschoolers Say They Want The biggest educational trend in the United States is the growth of alternative schools. The Supreme Court decision on vouchers, along with numerous state-level efforts to empower non-traditional education, is indicative of this trend. But the big changes are [...]

Leaving the Kids’ Calendar Blank

By Ana Veciana-Suarez Last fall was a first-of-its-kind season. For better or worse—I did not register my children in after-school activities. No swimming. No music lessons. No play dates. Nada. Once they finished their homework, they were free to do what they pleased, with a [...]

When I’m Big As….

Yesterday I was having a nice little moment with my four-year-old, Abigail. I had a plate of raw vegetables I was noshing on, and she came to join me. I had to chuckle as she went straight for the cucumber. I've written elsewhere about how [...]

Homeschool Insights: Core Phase Playgroups

Do you have any thoughts on a structuring a Core Phase playgroup for homeschoolers? ~AH Hi, A----. This is such a great question! The families most inclined to be attracted to a playgroup are often particularly vulnerable to “conveyor belt hangover”; and while informal "play [...]

Simplicity. Elegance. Almost as good as a nap….

I'm just sitting here at my computer thinking how simple it is, sometimes, to get it right. As I sit here, my frothy little bubble of a three-year-old named Abi sits at a desk a few feet from me and sings to herself with her [...]

Taming the Technology Beast

From the Desk of Rachel DeMille... The times, they are a-changin'. Ten years ago, most of our effort was spent helping parents to recapture their own Core and Love of Learning. Back then the Big Prize was Adult Scholar Phase, and everyone was talking about [...]

The Chemistry of Genius?

New Science on What Makes Quality Education Harvard Business School recently emphasized that the major changes in the world tend to come from what they called “disruptive innovators.” Disruptive innovators are disruptive precisely because they are totally unexpected by the mainstream.These are surprising innovations that [...]

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