
13 02, 2015

The Problem With Learning Styles: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

The Problem with Learning Styles (And What To Do About It!) by Oliver DeMille When and Why Learning Styles are increasingly popular among many homeschooling parents and professional teachers in non-traditional education settings. Going from using only one or two major styles in the classroom [...]

29 01, 2015

The Cure for Common Core: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Can You Like... “But, I thought you liked classics,” she asked me with obvious frustration. “And Common Core is full of classics—for the children of the whole nation to read! In your lecture, you called classics one of the 7 Keys of [...]

15 01, 2015

A TJEd Fairy Tale About You by Rachel DeMille

by Rachel DeMille Once upon a time... ...there lived a good, wise and powerful king who ruled over a vast kingdom. The king loved his people and cared deeply for their happiness and well-being. He knew the needs among the people in his beloved realm, [...]

4 12, 2014

The Story: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Where's the Value? She shook her head. “I just don’t think it’s that important,” she said. “Why would anyone read Little House on the Prairie to their kids? There are so many other books to read, like scripture and important works of [...]

19 11, 2014

Real Power: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille What is Enough? “I get what you’re saying, in theory,” she said into the microphone. “I just don’t know if example is enough.” She paused, so I waited to see what she’d say next. “Is it?” she asked. “Yes,” I responded. Then [...]

6 11, 2014

Book Power!: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille “The only expensive books are the ones we don’t read.”  A Powerful Story I’m not sure who first said the words in the quote above, but I’ve repeated them for years. Think about it: in your home, you probably have a hidden [...]

29 10, 2014

A Certain Kind of Book: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Page vs. Chapter “Are you enjoying it?” Emma asked. “Absolutely,” I responded passionately. I put the biography of Winston Churchill on my lap. “This is a really great book.” Then I paused, reconsidered, and said, “Actually, in some ways it’s kind of [...]

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