early childhood education

30 04, 2014

Coloring Outside the Lines: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Abigail’s Crayon Drawing She looked at Abigail’s crayon drawing and praised it. And this was no ordinary praising. Vernie’s comments were specific and insightful, and went on and on and on. Eight-year-old Abi beamed with happiness. I sat and watched, a little [...]

1 12, 2013

Hack-ademics. What do you want to be when you grow up?

A recent TEdx talk was given by 11 year old homeschooler Logan LaPlante. He argues (among many, many other wonderful points) that "education" too often asks kids to define "what they want be when they grow up," without abilifying them to be happy. Logan likens [...]

30 10, 2013

Two Kinds of Education (Plus One): The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille There is an excellent book by John F. Heath entitled, When Bright Kids Can’t Learn: How New Brain Research Can Help Your Child. I highly recommend it. Perhaps the most significant contribution of the book, at least for me, is the idea [...]

23 07, 2013

The Top Skill of Leadership Education: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille Today I read a sentence that really impacted me. It made me pause and really consider. I mean, I’ve read a lot of books about the American founding fathers and mothers, but I’ve never read this before. It’s incredibly deep and important. [...]

11 07, 2013

Do You Love Your Country?: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille “Do you love your country?” my daughter Meri asked enthusiastically. “I’ve been reading Anne of Green Gables and I love my country as much as she did!” Nearly everyone says “yes” when asked this question, but let’s look a little deeper. Do [...]

27 06, 2013

Math vs. The Arts

  By Oliver DeMille America is losing its leadership edge because innovation is under fire—from the classroom to the way Washington regulates business. If we aren’t the world’s leading innovators, we won’t long be its most powerful nation. Many leaders know this. No less than [...]

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