
17 04, 2013

A LeaderShift is Coming!: The Weekly Mentor

We are living through a LeaderShift, and parents are at the very center of this major change. This is true of all parents, and it is espeically true of those who homeschool or want to help their kids get a leadership education. But just what [...]

28 03, 2013

March 2013 Inspire Newsletter

Featured Articles: "5 Dumb Ways to Teach Writing to Youth" by Stephen Palmer “The Problem with Books” by Oliver DeMille TJEd NEWS: Spring and Summer Events LeaderShift Release   ****************** Featured Article: Our friend and partner (in The Center for Social Leadership) Stephen Palmer is [...]

29 11, 2012

Current Events, Trends and Cycles from History

A 6-week Course taught by Oliver DeMille Events in the world are heating up, and things are getting set for big changes just ahead. ARE YOU READY? Many (perhaps most) people feel that real challenges are coming, but they aren't sure what to do about [...]

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