History of Education

31 07, 2014

Beware Institutionalism: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Mazes and Levels Most organizations start out with a great mission, then run into challenges and focus on survival, then want to grow and shift their focus to trying to impress the world. Eventually they become a roadblock to the very [...]

25 04, 2014

Once Upon a Time

To anyone who ever has or ever will tell a bedtime story... By Sara DeMille* There once was a great Storyteller. The people of the land sought him out to hear his amazing stories of adventure, love, comedy, and daring. So great was his skill [...]

8 01, 2014

Changing Education Paradigms

Discuss: How do we educate our children to take their place in the economies of the 21st Century? How do we educate our children so that they have a sense of cultural identity? The problem is, we're trying to meet the future by doing what [...]

16 10, 2013

“What About Their Careers?” the Father Asked

By Oliver DeMille “How will math ever help me in real life?” Every math teacher and a lot of parents have heard this question—more than once! And what homeschooler hasn’t heard the familiar query: “But what about your kids’ social development?” A new question in [...]

21 01, 2013

What About Public School and Common Core Standards?

by Oliver & Rachel DeMille We recently posted citing information from an article that raised serious concerns about the new Common Core Standards. And while the information we passed on from the article was technically "factual," on closer scrutiny, it was clearly designed to manipulate [...]

6 09, 2012

What of Poetry?

TG writes: I listened to the recent webinar and was pretty energized by it. What I found enlightening was how Music was placed at the highest level of education. It makes sense; so many of us strive to include more music of all kinds in [...]

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