not them

19 11, 2014

Real Power: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille What is Enough? “I get what you’re saying, in theory,” she said into the microphone. “I just don’t know if example is enough.” She paused, so I waited to see what she’d say next. “Is it?” she asked. “Yes,” I responded. Then [...]

13 10, 2014

The 8th Key- Secure, not Stressed

By Oliver & Rachel DeMille What dedicated parent hasn’t thought: “My kids deserve better than this…but this is all I know!” We often get so concerned with “what” to teach that we neglect the “how” and “why.” Yet these make all the difference between success [...]

2 07, 2013

How to Really Get Off the Conveyor Belt–Today!: The Weekly Mentor

  By Oliver DeMille Summer is the hottest season of the year. This may seem obvious, but sometimes the most obvious things go ignored. Where we live, we’ve been experiencing record-breaking high temperatures. The lawns and the swamp coolers in our region have been struggling [...]

8 04, 2013

Lessons From the New Feminism: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille Once again in 2013 we have a new focus in feminism. Years ago, feminism stood for the rights of women, and later an emphasis on women being treated the same as men. Then came the time when feminism was all about career [...]

12 03, 2013

Careers Get Off the Conveyor Belt: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille CEO of Your Own Destiny For years I’ve promoted the idea that conveyor-belt education is seldom great education, and that if anything should be great in a young person’s life it’s his or her education. Therefore, I’ve said to anyone who would [...]

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