
21 10, 2016

Homeschool Q&A: 7 and 2yo – what to do? Inspiration Smoothies by Rachel DeMille

C. R. says: I'm working through The Phases of Learning and am wondering how to structure/assist the learning if they're young Love of Learners. I have a 7yo girl and a 2yo girl. Say, if the 7yo wants to learn about "George Washington", where do [...]

17 10, 2016

Homework, Homeschool, and Mothers: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

Trapped Sometimes reading a certain article, book, blog, tweet or other idea just … sticks. It resonates. It’s memorable. It makes you think. Or laugh. Maybe it causes you to frown. Or shake your head in surprise. For example, I recently read an article published [...]

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