TJEd Smoothies

24 01, 2017

How do you deal with people who don’t share your education views?

Welcome to the Journey Homeschooling is a big change for most people! It's different from what we were raised in, and different from most of the people we know and are surrounded with. Like with any lifestyle commitment - from weight loss, overcoming addiction, religious [...]

16 12, 2016

Freak Accident on Conveyor Belt – Inspiration Smoothies by Rachel DeMille

This is more of an "Inspiration Minute" -- a quick snippet I'm sharing that started as a conversation on our Facebook group. Don't Try This At Home I just googled "freak accident conveyor belt." I don't recommend it, but I'm sure you can imagine the [...]

7 12, 2016

Homeschooling the Gifted Child – Inspiration Smoothies by Rachel DeMille

Question K.B. says: I'm so nervous to homeschool my daughter. She tested in GATE [Gifted and Talented Education] at school and I'm afraid I won't be able to give her what she needs at home. Any words of wisdom, advice, etc.? Answer Giftedness is one [...]

21 10, 2016

Homeschool Q&A: 7 and 2yo – what to do? Inspiration Smoothies by Rachel DeMille

C. R. says: I'm working through The Phases of Learning and am wondering how to structure/assist the learning if they're young Love of Learners. I have a 7yo girl and a 2yo girl. Say, if the 7yo wants to learn about "George Washington", where do [...]

13 09, 2016

My Morning Exhale – Inspiration Smoothies by Rachel DeMille

My youngest (of 8) has been "almost reading" for 5 years. At just-turned-eleven, it's finally clicking for her. Shouldn't shock me (although I kept thinking/hoping/chanting "this time will be different"), because several of her siblings, and her father, were all on that same timeline. (Divergent [...]

19 02, 2016

The Weekly Mentor: The Harvard Class by Freeborn DeMille

By Freeborn DeMille The Class This was a really fun three months! But it was exciting for a surprising reason. The Harvard Class I took online was so enjoyable. At first I wasn’t sure I was going to like it. I’ve always enjoyed reading a [...]

6 11, 2015

Inspiration Smoothies: Good Days and Good Days

How was your day? Recently, on our Facebook discussion group, I read the following comment: "Today was an awesome homeschool day. With lots of reading, counting, math, science, art, history, even some helping around the house, cooking, and quality outdoor time. It would be cool [...]

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