
12 03, 2013

Careers Get Off the Conveyor Belt: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille CEO of Your Own Destiny For years I’ve promoted the idea that conveyor-belt education is seldom great education, and that if anything should be great in a young person’s life it’s his or her education. Therefore, I’ve said to anyone who would [...]

27 02, 2013

Share What Moves You: The Weekly Mentor

How to Recognize a Moving Reading and what to Do with It By Oliver DeMille I finished reading the article, and I was deeply moved. It was profound, important, and taught me a number of new things on a topic I had already studied in [...]

20 02, 2013

What do they want from us?: The Weekly Mentor

What this Generation of Children Really Wants from Parents In a survey conducted by Ellen Galinsky of the Families and Work Institute over a thousand children were asked, “If you were granted one wish about your parents, what would it be?” What would your children [...]

13 02, 2013

February 2013 Inspire Newsletter

  Featured Article: Eat Your Peas, Young Lady! By Oliver DeMille America's Stand “I’m only going to eat unhealthy food from now on,” our nine-year-old daughter Meri announced. This innocent-seeming declaration caused quite a stir in our family. At first, we just laughed it off. [...]

6 02, 2013

Three Powerful Words: The Weekly Mentor

You don't know??? “You don’t know?” Meri asked me in shock. “You don’t know?” The incredulous look on her face made me laugh. “Daddy -- you don’t know?” she repeated for the third time. Then she cocked her head in a way only a 9-year-old [...]

22 01, 2013

When It’s Good to be Wrong: The Weekly Mentor

by Oliver DeMille Like everyone, I sometimes make mistakes. Sometimes I'm wrong. Sometimes I make a rash decision or a careless comment. And like everyone, I suppose, my kids are pretty clear on the fact that I'm fallible. And I'm okay with that. Not that [...]

21 01, 2013

What About Public School and Common Core Standards?

by Oliver & Rachel DeMille We recently posted citing information from an article that raised serious concerns about the new Common Core Standards. And while the information we passed on from the article was technically "factual," on closer scrutiny, it was clearly designed to manipulate [...]

16 01, 2013

The Weekly Mentor: TJEd and Making Memories

Are You Missing Something Obvious and Very Important? “People spend way too much of their money and time on stuff, when they could be spending it on memories,” my friend said. I reacted in surprise, “That’s the number one thing you’d tell people if you [...]

9 01, 2013

The Weekly Mentor: Home School and Time Management

The Secret to Not Being Overwhelmed by Oliver DeMille "For a lot of years, I read every article about time management ... I think when I finally gave up on the idea of balance, it was a really happy moment. You can drown in all [...]


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