you not them

17 04, 2015

Four Awesome Books for Spring! The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

(and a Fun Invitation…) by Oliver DeMille Spring Fever Reader When springtime comes, it’s more difficult to keep the kids in their classrooms. They might be there physically, but their minds are increasingly outside in the sunshine, running amidst the flowers, listening to the sounds [...]

15 01, 2015

A TJEd Fairy Tale About You by Rachel DeMille

by Rachel DeMille Once upon a time... ...there lived a good, wise and powerful king who ruled over a vast kingdom. The king loved his people and cared deeply for their happiness and well-being. He knew the needs among the people in his beloved realm, [...]

13 12, 2014

What Every Mentor Must Know : The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

A Better Way If you’re mentoring young people today, or even adults, you simply must know something very important. You must know about the three economies. If not, you’re going to make huge mistakes in how you mentor. You’re going to mentor today’s young people [...]

19 11, 2014

Real Power: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille What is Enough? “I get what you’re saying, in theory,” she said into the microphone. “I just don’t know if example is enough.” She paused, so I waited to see what she’d say next. “Is it?” she asked. “Yes,” I responded. Then [...]

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