I Can’t Read!
And: The Angels in My Life By Dian Thomas Recently I was talking to a friend, Marsha Warner, who has been a real support to coach me to get my house organized. There are those times in our lives when we have to stop [...]
And: The Angels in My Life By Dian Thomas Recently I was talking to a friend, Marsha Warner, who has been a real support to coach me to get my house organized. There are those times in our lives when we have to stop [...]
Click here to read Part 1 >> The Homeschool Okay, you never wrote back re: homeschool, but upon re-reading your question I realized ;-) that I probably DID do a lot of saying what was on my heart, and not what you asked for. So, [...]
Hi Rachel, We've met before, but I know that you've met a thousand unknown people. I'm K.D.; P.G. is my brother. Anyway, I had a baby, G----, mid-November who has hydrocephalus. She spent the first twelve days of life at Primary Children's in the NICU. [...]
by Oliver DeMille Some things work, and some things don’t. If you are trying to help a young person, or any person, get a truly great education, you’d better allow him—or, even better, help him—to fall in love with learning. And you’d better help him [...]
The Power of the FEC! by Oliver and Rachel DeMille Some of the most important parts of Thomas Jefferson Education include: The three types of education (conveyor-belt education, professional training, and leadership education) The Phases of Learning The 7 Keys of Great Teaching The 5 [...]
“Each child has a spark of genius waiting to be discovered, ignited, and fed. And the goal of schools shouldn’t be to manufacture ‘productive citizens’ to fill some corporate cubicle; it should be to inspire each child to find a ‘calling’ that will change the world. The jobs for the future are no longer Manager, Director, or Analyst, but Entrepreneur, Creator, and even Revolutionary.”
We take on a pretty big project when we set out to home school our children. What is your guiding philosophy? What risks will you take? What habits will you break? Of course we can’t progress much if we are addicted to the mediocre, the [...]
Many people in our modern world have come to equate conveyor-belt methods and systems with schooling, and they tend to see anything else as lenient or non-academic. TJEd is different than the conveyor belt model, but it is not academically lax for children.
I have been thinking about the great forces of the universe. One is a creative force, and one, a destructive one. It seems that in the state of nature these forces almost balance. Sort of the “circle of life” scenario, where all things have their [...]
America is in the midst of a major clash of two cultures. Most of the rich world, and the developing world as well, are experiencing the same challenge. This contest is seldom cooperative, often violent, and increasingly heated. It has the passion of the age-old [...]