Confessions of a Late Bloomer [one-year access]
My Journey to Scholar Phase: Confessions of a Late Bloomer
The Ups, the Downs – and Why Tears, Laughter and Fun Really do Work
by Eliza DeMille, with Oliver DeMille
Duration: ~1h 32m
This presentation is recommended for:
Mentor Prompts: 
Here are some thoughts to consider as you watch to the “My Journey to Scholar Phase” video. Add a couple of other questions of your own – things you have on your mind about education, your role, your kids’ prospects, others’ influence on your educational choices – whatever is on your heart – and keep them in mind as you watch.
- Why was Eliza a late bloomer?
- What was it that allowed her to move forward?
- Was it worth the wait to allow her to renegotiate lost phases, or was the time lost/wasted?
- How does Eliza’s experience apply to you, or someone close to you?
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