This Week in History is a daily resource that brings your home school or classroom to life!

Whatever you want to learn, whatever there is to teach, it starts with history!

With a subscription to This Week in History, each day’s resources are an adventure in math, science, language skills, geography, current events, the arts and so on – all tied to events in history.

For just $25.00 per month, you have the world of learning available to help you lead and inspire your students to explore, learn and excel!

The whole year’s archive can be accessed by subscribers at any time.

Of all the things you’ll spend $25 on each month, This Week in History is not only a great value, but a time saver and a worry eliminator. This Week in History:

  • relieves fear, stress and burnout
  • energizes your kidschool
  • fills in the gaps
  • cultivates cultural literacy
  • facilitates state or provincial compliance
  • correlates resources for co-ops, classrooms and family learning
  • harnesses the power of technology in a classical leadership education
  • harmonizes with Unschooling, Charlotte Mason, Montessori, Trivium/Quadrivium, IEW, eclectic, etc.
  • delivers new ideas and areas of learning to you and your child
  • instigates discussions and projects that expand wisdom and understanding
  • connects the subject areas–from music to math, from geography to world religions, from hobbies to science projects, etc.
  • motivates you and your students to greater excellence
  • delivers Face to Face with Greatness
  • empowers you to mentor your students in the classics
  • enlivens the 7 Keys of Great Teaching
  • activates Phases of Learning

…so you can “Inspire, not Require.”

Check these out and you’ll see what I mean…

Click on the date to view a sample of This Week in History:

May 10 – 16

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For only $25 per month you can propel yourself along the path of Leadership Education, and inspire your students to do the same!