
13 02, 2013

February 2013 Inspire Newsletter

  Featured Article: Eat Your Peas, Young Lady! By Oliver DeMille America's Stand “I’m only going to eat unhealthy food from now on,” our nine-year-old daughter Meri announced. This innocent-seeming declaration caused quite a stir in our family. At first, we just laughed it off. [...]

4 09, 2012

My husband doesn’t want to home school….

  Q:   I really have liked your Thomas Jefferson Education book and want to use it with my children, but I have a husband that does not believe that public schools are bad and is not supportive of me home schooling my children; nor [...]

23 05, 2011

The Key of Keys in Leadership Education

Allan Bloom wrote in The Closing of the American Mind: “People sup together, play together, travel together, but they do not think together. Hardly any homes have any intellectual life whatsoever, let alone one that informs the vital interests of life. Educational TV marks the [...]

23 05, 2011

Homeschooling Insights: What is Core Phase?

Core Phase is that magical time of nurture and growth, almost like a cocoon. The environment is perfect for defining what the individual will become. Later, in other phases, exposure to the challenging circumstances and ideas help the individual grow strong; in Core Phase, such [...]

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