
23 07, 2013

The Top Skill of Leadership Education: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille Today I read a sentence that really impacted me. It made me pause and really consider. I mean, I’ve read a lot of books about the American founding fathers and mothers, but I’ve never read this before. It’s incredibly deep and important. [...]

17 07, 2013

The Problem with Education: The Weekly Mentor

  By Oliver DeMille This is going to be short, because despite what many experts say the problem with modern education isn’t deep or complex. The problem is that we’ve forgotten why we educate. When the American founders adopted a system of education for all [...]

11 07, 2013

Do You Love Your Country?: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille “Do you love your country?” my daughter Meri asked enthusiastically. “I’ve been reading Anne of Green Gables and I love my country as much as she did!” Nearly everyone says “yes” when asked this question, but let’s look a little deeper. Do [...]

10 07, 2013

Homes of Greatness: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille I recently read a fantastic quote that made me think of your home. And mine. And everyone else’s who is raising great children and youth. It reminded me that today’s young people are an amazing generation, and I’m convinced that God has [...]

2 07, 2013

How to Really Get Off the Conveyor Belt–Today!: The Weekly Mentor

  By Oliver DeMille Summer is the hottest season of the year. This may seem obvious, but sometimes the most obvious things go ignored. Where we live, we’ve been experiencing record-breaking high temperatures. The lawns and the swamp coolers in our region have been struggling [...]

27 06, 2013

Math vs. The Arts

  By Oliver DeMille America is losing its leadership edge because innovation is under fire—from the classroom to the way Washington regulates business. If we aren’t the world’s leading innovators, we won’t long be its most powerful nation. Many leaders know this. No less than [...]

25 06, 2013

Psychology and TJEd: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille Another parent asked me for recommended readings in psychology this week. This happens a lot. A student, usually one in scholar phase, is interested in studying psychology, and the parent wants to help but hopes for a good psychology text that won’t [...]

14 06, 2013

Unschooling: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille Took Me By Surprise “Why don’t you ever tell stories about me in your books and blogs, Dad?” “What do you mean?” I asked. “I tell stories about all the kids.” “Not me,” Sara said. “At least not very much. You [...]

27 05, 2013

Four Letter Words: The Weekly Mentor

  By Oliver DeMille At the beginning of the year I wrote two articles suggesting that the most important thing parents can do during the winter months to help their kids’ education was to read important books as a family in the evenings (or in [...]

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