
31 07, 2014

Beware Institutionalism: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Mazes and Levels Most organizations start out with a great mission, then run into challenges and focus on survival, then want to grow and shift their focus to trying to impress the world. Eventually they become a roadblock to the very [...]

11 07, 2014

I’ll Think While You Read- The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

By Oliver DeMille “I’ll Think While You Read” It’s one of the most profound sentences I’ve ever read. Deep. Powerful. Moving. It comes from Chaim Potok’s classic book The Chosen, wherein the main characters are two 15-year-old boys. They meet at a baseball game where [...]

27 06, 2014

Did You Do It? The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille A Blank Paper and A Name Did you make any plans or goals for the coming week for your family and/or homeschool? Did get a blank piece of paper and brainstorm what your child needs most in his or her life right [...]

4 06, 2014

Feed Your Mind: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

This week's newsletter is written by a *different* Oliver DeMille - Oliver James DeMille, the son of TJEd founders Oliver and Rachel DeMille. Oliver James is 23 years old, the Conference Director for Youth for Freedom, a mentor to youth and a copy editor. He [...]

30 04, 2014

Coloring Outside the Lines: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Abigail’s Crayon Drawing She looked at Abigail’s crayon drawing and praised it. And this was no ordinary praising. Vernie’s comments were specific and insightful, and went on and on and on. Eight-year-old Abi beamed with happiness. I sat and watched, a little [...]

25 04, 2014

Once Upon a Time

To anyone who ever has or ever will tell a bedtime story... By Sara DeMille* There once was a great Storyteller. The people of the land sought him out to hear his amazing stories of adventure, love, comedy, and daring. So great was his skill [...]

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