
10 04, 2014

Conveyer Belt Unraveling: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

A Deeper Problem One day. One trip to Barnes and Noble. Two magazines. It was interesting to read the two articles within five minutes of each other. It really made me think. First came a piece in Psychology Today (April 2014) reviewing a groundbreaking new [...]

26 02, 2014

Reading Rules! – The Weekly Mentor, Oliver DeMille

Writing In Books is Vital to Real Learning “Are you kidding me?” I asked in amazement. “Are you serious?” The girl must have been surprised by my intensity, because she asked carefully, “Is something wrong?” “Are you seriously telling me that your parents don’t want [...]

5 02, 2014

Reading Your Mentors’ Mentors: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille The Libraries of Great Men I recently read an interesting and fun article by Jeremy Anderberg entitled “The Libraries of Great Men: Theodore Roosevelt’s Reading List.” It’s an excellent read. For example, Anderberg wrote: “Reading books by your ‘mentors’—even if they’re long [...]

22 01, 2014

TJEd Mentoring and Freedom: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Classics and Freedom I didn’t study freedom because I loved the classics. I studied classics because I loved freedom. I know other people have taken their own path, as they should. But for me Thomas Jefferson combines these two great traditions—classics and [...]

1 12, 2013

Hack-ademics. What do you want to be when you grow up?

A recent TEdx talk was given by 11 year old homeschooler Logan LaPlante. He argues (among many, many other wonderful points) that "education" too often asks kids to define "what they want be when they grow up," without abilifying them to be happy. Logan likens [...]

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