
  • Intelligence Series


    A Psychological Thriller on the Future of Freedom

    by Eliza DeMille Robinson

  • A Scholar Phase Guidebook for Teens, Parents and Mentors

    Let’s just be honest. If your children don’t get a Scholar Phase, they don’t get a great education. You settle for something less. Something… more mediocre. They were meant for something better. They need a Scholar Phase. Scroll down to view product details and Chapter Outline.            
  • The Media Vault

    The TJEd Media Vault is a treasure trove of content that allows you to read, listen, view and stream - on-demand - All accessed through the learning portal alongside your other courses and mentoring services.
  • Description:

    Three critical events in 1913, followed by a corresponding event in 1936, together struck a resounding blow to America’s freedom. In fact, they triggered the greatest turning point away from freedom in modern times.
    (Scroll down the page for a chapter outline) What were these dangerous events? Why do so few American citizens know about them—especially since they dramatically and negatively impact every detail of their lives? Most importantly, how can their effects be reversed and freedom restored? 1913 answers these questions and more. This is not a doomsday book for alarmists, but rather an optimistic action guide for thoughtful, dedicated freedom-lovers. DeMille provides three clear, detailed, and practical solutions you can implement to restore America’s freedom and revitalize her prosperity. A new turning point of freedom is desperately needed. And reading this book will propel you to the front lines of that shift.   “You’re holding a masterpiece on freedom, and everyone who cares about the future of prosperity and freedom should read and apply this book.”Orrin Woodward, New York Times Bestselling Co-author of Launching a Leadership Revolution   “At long last, a piercing analysis that goes beyond predictable partisan bickering and gets to the root of America’s turning point. With this book, we can finally stop spinning our wheels in the battle for freedom, get traction, and make a profound difference.” -Stephen Palmer, New York Times Bestselling Writer & Author of Uncommon Sense: A Common Citizen’s Guide to Rebuilding America

    E-book purchasers will receive links to .mobi and .epub files in an email upon completion of the order.

  • (And Every Adult Who Wants to Change the World)

    From the Introduction:

    “It is said that when God wants to change the world, he sends a baby–perfectly timed to grow, learn, prepare and then take action at the right moment. “But there are times when one baby won’t suffice, when the challenges facing the world are just too great; and so instead of a great reformer or a few key thinkers, what is needed is a whole generation of leaders. “This happened in the sixth century B.C. and in the first decade of the Common Era, then again in the American Founding generation. “We believe it is happening again today….”

    About Thomas Jefferson Education for Teens

    This latest addition to the TJEd library is written to youth and adults wanting to accomplish a successful Scholar Phase–academics, personal development and mission preparation. It includes:
    • How to find the “Real You”
    • The Teen-100 List
    • How to study the classics
    • How to make the most of your mentor
    • Sample Simulations
    • …plus lots more!
  • Description

    12 Natural Laws of Freedom, Progress and Success
    Natural Law and the Proper Role of Government... I know, I know. You’ve been meaning to get around to fixing America. Or Canada, or whatever great nation you call home. In the meantime, we’ve all been waiting for the politicians to fix things. Waiting... Waiting... Still waiting... Waiting’s not working. The real solution to our society’s decline is surprising, and only the regular people can really make it happen. Few of our political leaders or anyone else knows what is needed. The answer? Our society is breaking twelve natural laws, and until we change this, the decline will continue— no matter what else happens. On the other hand, when we know and live these twelve laws, we will create a new era of freedom, prosperity, and widespread success. This is real. It’s what Thomas Paine called “common sense.” It’s time to make it happen, and we, the regular people, have all the power over these twelve laws. Now is the time to take action! But first we need to know the twelve laws.
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