Parents & Mentors

Rachel DeMilleHi, I’m Rachel DeMille!

TJEd is also known as “Leadership Education.” And the leader in LE is not just the kid that grows up in your home or studies in your classroom under these principles; it’s you! YOU lead out and show them the way. You get excited about education – not just theirs, but yours.

If TJEd is calling to you, I would not recommend “winging” it. Don’t just copy a friend, or browse and guess. This is too important, and you’ll want to do your homework so you can move forward with confidence.

Please select below the button that best describes what you’re looking for:

Number 1

For starters, we have a free 3-video sequence that will give you some great tools to help you, right now. It will give you an introduction to TJEd and answer a lot of your questions, and it will help you decide if TJEd is a fit for you.

Introduction to TJED Free Videos

If you’re ready to take your TJEd journey to the next level, right now, click below on the “Mentoring in the Classics” button:

TJED Success Plan
Number 3

Buy the Book!

A Thomas Jefferson Education

Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-first Century

Thomas Jefferson Education Book

And we’re here to help!

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Rachel DeMille ReadingHugs to all you new and/or struggling homeschoolers! It’s unfortunate that lots of new homeschoolers really punish themselves, and, unwittingly, their kids, for not fitting some ideal that’s not actually ideal for them. Please don’t be so hard on yourselves!

Take a day off and go to a park, or the library, or play board games. Do something you love.

Cultivate smiles and hugs. Tomorrow is another day.

Please know that pretty much all successful homeschoolers really wandered a little at first trying to find their ideal. And I don’t know any really successful homeschoolers who are super set in their ways. They’re open minded, and always asking new and different questions on how to improve.

Your family is organic, and dynamic, and your homeschool ideal will be, too. Be patient with the process! You’re not going to ruin them or break them, and there really is plenty of time to figure it out.

Don’t hurry up to follow a path that feels wrong. Slow down, stop, turn around, enjoy the moment. You’re going to be fine! ♥ ♥ ♥


You don’t have to be perfect to be spectacular.

Parents and educators all over the world are making a positive difference by integrating idealistic principles into their family culture. The transition isn’t immediate, but in some important ways the results are. Within just a few days’ time a new level of hope and vision can be sensed; over time, and with the incorporation of more and more principles, confidence can be gained that hoped-for changes are on the horizon.

xoxo rd

Rachel DeMille,
“An Education to Match Your Mission”

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