Homeschooling can be really fun.
And sometimes challenging. Even stressful.
It seems like the older they get, the more we worry that we’re not enough, that it’s not enough. We see them busy – even doing good things. But we hear a metaphysical clock ticking that warns that their time in childhood is drawing to a close and we ask ourselves…
What do they need before they go out into the world? And what am I supposed to do to make it happen?
Things were so much easier when they thought we knew everything and learning was play, when a hug made everything better and they had all the time in the world.
But now they’re knocking on the door of adulthood, and you ask yourself: Is it enough? Are they ready?
We’ve asked ourselves these same questions! Our own eight TJEd-raised kids are now grown and living their missions — but the generational challenges before them remind us constantly of how precious those preparatory teen years were for them, and how critical it is that your youth get the Scholar Phase that will serve as the foundation for their Mission and Impact.
Oliver and I were talking yesterday, and his thoughts really moved me – so I asked him to record them for you…..
If you want to know more about TJEd High, here are some options:
- See what TJEd High! students and their parents are saying >>
- Check out the TJEd High! info page >>
- Schedule a consult with our TJEd High! expert, Ian Cox >>
- Enroll now (options for charter payments, chapter groups, discounts for multi-student families, etc.) >>
It’s not too late to enroll for Winter Semester, so click now and move on it today!
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