
Book Power!: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille “The only expensive books are the ones we don’t read.”  A Powerful Story I’m not sure who first said the words in the quote above, but I’ve repeated them for years. Think about it: in your home, you probably have a hidden [...]

A Certain Kind of Book: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Page vs. Chapter “Are you enjoying it?” Emma asked. “Absolutely,” I responded passionately. I put the biography of Winston Churchill on my lap. “This is a really great book.” Then I paused, reconsidered, and said, “Actually, in some ways it’s kind of [...]

The 8th Key- Secure, not Stressed

By Oliver & Rachel DeMille What dedicated parent hasn’t thought: “My kids deserve better than this…but this is all I know!” We often get so concerned with “what” to teach that we neglect the “how” and “why.” Yet these make all the difference between success [...]

Research on Core Phase: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille  The Problem The report is entitled: “Nurturing Children: Why Early Learning Doesn’t Work.” It was written by Andrea Mrozek of the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada, and I was especially struck by three important ideas: 1)     “Probably the greatest myth that [...]

She Knew!: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

(A Mother Makes All the Difference) by Oliver DeMille Grades or Education? I heard a story recently that really made me think. It was recounted by the mother of a college student who visited home after her first semester and confided in her parents that [...]

Traditions and Dimensions: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille A Review of Allen Levie’s “The Visual Tradition,” unpublished paper Educational/Political/Social thinker Allen Levie has an interesting and often refreshing way of reframing things. I was recently struck by his description of three types of education: Learning built on the oral tradition [...]


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