
The Key of Keys in Leadership Education

Allan Bloom wrote in The Closing of the American Mind: “People sup together, play together, travel together, but they do not think together. Hardly any homes have any intellectual life whatsoever, let alone one that informs the vital interests of life. Educational TV marks the [...]

Homeschooling Insights: What is Core Phase?

Core Phase is that magical time of nurture and growth, almost like a cocoon. The environment is perfect for defining what the individual will become. Later, in other phases, exposure to the challenging circumstances and ideas help the individual grow strong; in Core Phase, such [...]

Learning vs. Schooling

The secret of any great education is love of learning. Note that the phrase here is love of “learning,” not love of “schooling,” or love of “education.” Learning should be the focus of schools and education, but this is not always the case. Many schools [...]

The Clash of Two Cultures

America is in the midst of a major clash of two cultures. Most of the rich world, and the developing world as well, are experiencing the same challenge. This contest is seldom cooperative, often violent, and increasingly heated. It has the passion of the age-old [...]

My Favorite Play Dough

Who doesn't love play dough? It's the epitome of learning through play! It feels wonderful in your hands; it awakens your creativity, and allows everyone in the family to experience it at their own level. Is there a better medium for whole-family Core Phase fun? [...]

Get your TJEd Badge Here!

Are you a blogger? I've had several requests for a badge to put on your blog or website in order to link back to I have created several options here in order to suit the various needs of bloggers, site owners and their visitors. [...]

How far will you walk with a rock in your shoe?

I’m on a hike. My pack is rubbing my shoulders sore. I’m hungry. The sun is beating down on my neck. I’ve been needing to duck behind a bush for almost 40 minutes. But I press on, enjoying the pure air, the light rush of [...]

The Family Way

What is FEC? In the past few years, we have witnessed a groundswell of people wishing to work on their fathering, mothering, manliness and femininity. The conveyor belt has stripped our society of clear understandings of our basic roles as men and women, and it [...]

Core Phase Crochet

It’s hard being little. I remember keenly wanting to fit in with all the older people around me. I was the youngest of six kids—and quite a bit younger, at that. The closest in age was four years older, and they went up from there [...]

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