

Body sculpting, surgical/chemical alterations, therapy . . . our culture is obsessed with hiding, cutting out or otherwise purging its flaws. We want to be persons with no weaknesses. Even our college entrance exams, job interviews, courtships and business dealings all seem to hinge on [...]

Creative Accounting

Some time ago I read an article in the NY Times about a man who defrauded investors of billions of dollars. Not really news these days, I guess. Seems like there's a lot of creative bookkeeping going on out there. It's an inventive way to [...]

How do you organize a large family for homeschool?

*I’ve made no secret about the fact that we have a large family. I have a kid in every conceivable phase. No matter what you've heard to the contrary, this can get complicated. I’m as guilty as anybody for romanticizing it, as my cheerful approach [...]

Raising Acorns

I am an acorn full of potential, in need of nourishing with sun and soil and rain I sprout, upward and down I am a seedling surrounded by siblings sending shoots and roots I explore, grow and expand I am a sapling reaching for the [...]

What I want to be when I grow up….

Returning again to the discussion I had with a friend who runs a book discussion group. We agreed that we had both learned a great deal because of the courage of one woman to not walk in lock-step with the others in the group and [...]

Censors vs. Bashers: The New Education?

A friend once suggested that we should remove the writings of Robert Kiyosaki from a class curriculum. When I asked him why, he said that Kiyosaki’s books contain a number of errors. “Do the writings of Marx contain errors?” I responded. “Well, yes,” he admitted. [...]

Education Must Precede Activism

By Stephen Palmer "Force without wisdom falls of its own weight." -Horace A few years ago, I was teaching a class on the constitution where I witnessed a sad, though interesting, phenomenon. To give context, this was a room full of people wholly dedicated to [...]

Trust. Acknowledgment. Pioneers.

Some of the important elements of undertaking the path of Leadership Education are Trust and Acknowledgment. Trust that the best way to inform your choices is principles Trust that principles lead to desired outcomes Trust that doing the right thing in this moment is enough [...]

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