
4 12, 2013

The Easy Way to Inspire: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Inspire Recently our married daughter got involved in a discussion we were having online with some friends about the meaning of "Inspire". She commented that in her experience (and being raised in the heart of TJEd, she has a really unique and [...]

1 12, 2013

Hack-ademics. What do you want to be when you grow up?

A recent TEdx talk was given by 11 year old homeschooler Logan LaPlante. He argues (among many, many other wonderful points) that "education" too often asks kids to define "what they want be when they grow up," without abilifying them to be happy. Logan likens [...]

6 11, 2013

Why Are We Lying to the Kids?: The Weekly Mentor

by Oliver DeMille  The subtitle to our book A Thomas Jefferson Education is: “Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-First Century.” I really believe in this. It matters. The leaders of the 21st Century live in our homes. And we can truly help them [...]

30 10, 2013

Two Kinds of Education (Plus One): The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille There is an excellent book by John F. Heath entitled, When Bright Kids Can’t Learn: How New Brain Research Can Help Your Child. I highly recommend it. Perhaps the most significant contribution of the book, at least for me, is the idea [...]

16 10, 2013

“What About Their Careers?” the Father Asked

By Oliver DeMille “How will math ever help me in real life?” Every math teacher and a lot of parents have heard this question—more than once! And what homeschooler hasn’t heard the familiar query: “But what about your kids’ social development?” A new question in [...]

9 10, 2013

Relax, Let Go, and Learn More: The Weekly Mentor

by Oliver DeMille Bestselling author Grant Cardone taught a very important principle that applies to parents and teachers. He wrote that you “need new problems. They’re signs that you’re making progress and heading in the right direction. “If you’re not creating new problems for yourself, [...]

2 10, 2013

A New Way to Teach Math in Homeschool: The Weekly Mentor

(Reading, Writing, and Rich-matic) by Oliver DeMille “When am I ever going to use this math in real life?” the student asks. The teacher hems and haws, and when the bell rings the whole class leaves with a sense of frustration about math. We’ve all [...]

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