
17 04, 2015

Four Awesome Books for Spring! The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

(and a Fun Invitation…) by Oliver DeMille Spring Fever Reader When springtime comes, it’s more difficult to keep the kids in their classrooms. They might be there physically, but their minds are increasingly outside in the sunshine, running amidst the flowers, listening to the sounds [...]

15 01, 2015

A TJEd Fairy Tale About You by Rachel DeMille

by Rachel DeMille Once upon a time... ...there lived a good, wise and powerful king who ruled over a vast kingdom. The king loved his people and cared deeply for their happiness and well-being. He knew the needs among the people in his beloved realm, [...]

13 10, 2014

The 8th Key- Secure, not Stressed

By Oliver & Rachel DeMille What dedicated parent hasn’t thought: “My kids deserve better than this…but this is all I know!” We often get so concerned with “what” to teach that we neglect the “how” and “why.” Yet these make all the difference between success [...]

27 06, 2014

Did You Do It? The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille A Blank Paper and A Name Did you make any plans or goals for the coming week for your family and/or homeschool? Did get a blank piece of paper and brainstorm what your child needs most in his or her life right [...]

12 06, 2014

Less is More: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

An Essential Core Phase Skill for Every Parent by Oliver DeMille Aha! It has happened to all of us. We’re going about our lives, doing the things we do every day, and then suddenly, as if from nowhere, we experience a Paradigm Shift! An epiphany! [...]

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