phases of learning

27 06, 2014

Did You Do It? The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille A Blank Paper and A Name Did you make any plans or goals for the coming week for your family and/or homeschool? Did get a blank piece of paper and brainstorm what your child needs most in his or her life right [...]

12 06, 2014

Less is More: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

An Essential Core Phase Skill for Every Parent by Oliver DeMille Aha! It has happened to all of us. We’re going about our lives, doing the things we do every day, and then suddenly, as if from nowhere, we experience a Paradigm Shift! An epiphany! [...]

23 07, 2013

The Top Skill of Leadership Education: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille Today I read a sentence that really impacted me. It made me pause and really consider. I mean, I’ve read a lot of books about the American founding fathers and mothers, but I’ve never read this before. It’s incredibly deep and important. [...]

27 06, 2013

Math vs. The Arts

  By Oliver DeMille America is losing its leadership edge because innovation is under fire—from the classroom to the way Washington regulates business. If we aren’t the world’s leading innovators, we won’t long be its most powerful nation. Many leaders know this. No less than [...]

8 04, 2013

Lessons From the New Feminism: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille Once again in 2013 we have a new focus in feminism. Years ago, feminism stood for the rights of women, and later an emphasis on women being treated the same as men. Then came the time when feminism was all about career [...]

13 02, 2013

February 2013 Inspire Newsletter

  Featured Article: Eat Your Peas, Young Lady! By Oliver DeMille America's Stand “I’m only going to eat unhealthy food from now on,” our nine-year-old daughter Meri announced. This innocent-seeming declaration caused quite a stir in our family. At first, we just laughed it off. [...]

21 01, 2013

What About Public School and Common Core Standards?

by Oliver & Rachel DeMille We recently posted citing information from an article that raised serious concerns about the new Common Core Standards. And while the information we passed on from the article was technically "factual," on closer scrutiny, it was clearly designed to manipulate [...]

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