
  • If TJEd is calling to you, don't resort to “winging” it. Don’t just copy a friend, or browse and guess. We're here to help! The first month's content includes a free bonus section with the following samples from the MIC series:
    • Beginning of the month coaching video, "What is Yours to Do" by Rachel DeMille from Season 1
    • Intro Audio for Dumbing Us Down from Season 1
    • Study Guide for Anne of Green Gables from Season 5
    • Debriefing Audio for Anne of Green Gables from Season 5
    • Bonus Audio for Little Britches from Season 2
    • End of the month coaching video by Emma Cox from Season 7
    In addition, the mentoring content for A Thomas Jefferson Education is yours to download and keep, even if you choose not to remain with us!
  • YSS is our answer for training parents to coach and mentor their kids combined with hands-on project-style content for Love of Learning and Transitioning to Scholar Phase!

    Inspired by our young daughters who LOOOOONGED to have the goals and awards that they saw happening in their brother's scouting activities, YSS is a program for girls and boys to assist them in broad knowledge, skills acquisition, refinement of talents and character development.

    YSS can be run:

    • In a single home, with parent mentors
    • In a small, cooperative group of families
    • As a full-fledged club in an emerging or established community of families


    YSS Coaching and Content is on a monthly subscription model, and currently costs $37/month per family. Note that this includes full access to the This Week in History subscription, which costs $25/month - so you're getting a crazy good deal for all the coaching and curriculum content!!

    Contact us for information on how to get a multi-family YSS Club in your area, with special pricing and coaching.

    Scroll down to "Description" for additional details....

  • This Week in History


    This Week in History is a daily resource that brings your home school or classroom to life!

    Whatever you want to learn, whatever there is to teach, it starts with history! With a subscription to This Week in History, each day’s resources are an adventure in math, science, language skills, geography, current events, the arts and so on – all tied to events in history. You'll have the world of learning available to help you lead and inspire your students to explore, learn and excel!
  • Black Belt in Freedom


    Get Mentored in Freedom by Oliver DeMille

    A One-of-A-Kind Freedom Learning Program Participants prepare to become founding fathers and mothers of freedom in the 21st Century! Don’t miss this amazing learning experience.


    There are no credits, grades, or credentials associated with this intense course of study—just great learning from the highest-quality materials and deep mentoring on the most important principles of freedom. No facades, just excellent learning. See below for specifics....
  • The TJEd Master Mentor Binder and Day Planner is a comprehensive tool to help you learn and implement the skills of mentoring, organize your time and space, lead out with your own education, and facilitate your kids as mission-led self-educators.
  • Mentoring is vital for education. Good mentors lead to good education, and great mentors to great education.

    This class is a practical, hands-on course on how to be a great mentor.

    A 7-week course taught by Oliver DeMille

    This course is recommended for more advanced teachers and mentors, and parents of youth, who have a basic foundation in the principles and practices of Leadership Education. *Updated with additional, critical content to qualify you as a TJEd High Tutor.* You know you’ve been wishing for something like this! We heard you.

    A 6-Week Course taught by Oliver DeMille

    Events in the world are heating up, and things are getting set for big changes just ahead. ARE YOU READY? Many (perhaps most) people feel that real challenges are coming, but they aren’t sure what to do about it. What is really going on in the world? Too often we can’t really trust the media spin about current events, yet we all need to understand the truth of world events. Moreover, we need to know what trends and cycles tell us about what’s ahead. The coming years will be times of challenge, yet few people have an accurate understanding of what to expect. In this class, we’ll address all of these issues, and help each participant get a clear picture of world events and the trends and cycles that are shaping the decade ahead—and beyond. Those who take this class will know what to look for in world events, how to see through the media, how to find out what is really happening, and how to effectively plan and prepare.

    You know you’ve been wishing for something like this! We heard you.

  • A 5-Week Course Taught by Oliver DeMille  The class will build on Oliver’s seminar, “Hanging By a Thread,” and take participants through the main points of the Constitution, how our freedoms have eroded, and what is needed to get back to a truly free system. This will be taught in the deep yet enjoyable style students have come to expect from Oliver DeMille, appealing to those who need to learn the basics about the Constitution and also to advanced Constitutional experts — and everyone in between. Don’t miss this chance to learn about the Constitution from one of the top freedom thinkers of our time!
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