early childhood education

8 04, 2013

Lessons From the New Feminism: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille Once again in 2013 we have a new focus in feminism. Years ago, feminism stood for the rights of women, and later an emphasis on women being treated the same as men. Then came the time when feminism was all about career [...]

26 03, 2013

The Problem with Books: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille I was on eBay and Amazon this week looking for a copy of The Complete Madison, a collection of James Madison’s most important writings. I was surprised by what I found. A brand new copy of the book cost $49.99, while a [...]

14 03, 2013

Lego Logistics: Building Blocks to Reading Success

When Two Classics are Combined Guest post by Cat Charissage I.  The “Problem” Personally, I would have been happy if my son had been an early reader. I read to him as a baby constantly; in fact, I think he may have recognized the stories [...]

20 02, 2013

What do they want from us?: The Weekly Mentor

What this Generation of Children Really Wants from Parents In a survey conducted by Ellen Galinsky of the Families and Work Institute over a thousand children were asked, “If you were granted one wish about your parents, what would it be?” What would your children [...]

13 02, 2013

February 2013 Inspire Newsletter

  Featured Article: Eat Your Peas, Young Lady! By Oliver DeMille America's Stand “I’m only going to eat unhealthy food from now on,” our nine-year-old daughter Meri announced. This innocent-seeming declaration caused quite a stir in our family. At first, we just laughed it off. [...]

14 05, 2012

TJEd and the “French Way”

A book review of Druckerman's Bringing up Bébé Many people around the world are discovering principles of great education that those using TJEd are already applying. The "conveyor belt" approach to learning has two big competitors in this second decade of the twenty-first century. I [...]

26 04, 2012

I Can’t Read!

And: The Angels in My Life   By Dian Thomas Recently I was talking to a friend, Marsha Warner, who has been a real support to coach me to get my house organized. There are those times in our lives when we have to stop [...]

26 04, 2012

Homeschooling Special Needs, Part 2

Click here to read Part 1 >> The Homeschool Okay, you never wrote back re: homeschool, but upon re-reading your question I realized ;-) that I probably DID do a lot of saying what was on my heart, and not what you asked for. So, [...]

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