
16 10, 2013

“What About Their Careers?” the Father Asked

By Oliver DeMille “How will math ever help me in real life?” Every math teacher and a lot of parents have heard this question—more than once! And what homeschooler hasn’t heard the familiar query: “But what about your kids’ social development?” A new question in [...]

24 09, 2013

Do We Really Need the Classics?: The Weekly Mentor

by Oliver DeMille “Oh, no, you’re one of THOSE!” the man groaned. “One of what?” I asked. “One of those people who thinks classics are important in modern education,” he said. “I deal with people like you all the time. It’s really frustrating.” The man, [...]

9 08, 2013

The Power of Jane

By Oliver DeMille Our generation doesn’t read enough history. We especially don’t read enough biographies of great people. As Allan Bloom taught in The Closing of the American Mind, we have forgotten that the purpose of education is wisdom, and the purpose of life is [...]

2 07, 2013

How to Really Get Off the Conveyor Belt–Today!: The Weekly Mentor

  By Oliver DeMille Summer is the hottest season of the year. This may seem obvious, but sometimes the most obvious things go ignored. Where we live, we’ve been experiencing record-breaking high temperatures. The lawns and the swamp coolers in our region have been struggling [...]

17 04, 2013

A LeaderShift is Coming!: The Weekly Mentor

We are living through a LeaderShift, and parents are at the very center of this major change. This is true of all parents, and it is espeically true of those who homeschool or want to help their kids get a leadership education. But just what [...]

8 04, 2013

Lessons From the New Feminism: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille Once again in 2013 we have a new focus in feminism. Years ago, feminism stood for the rights of women, and later an emphasis on women being treated the same as men. Then came the time when feminism was all about career [...]

2 04, 2013

Read it Backwards!: The Weekly Mentor

Hard Words “Oh, no!” Emma said. “Another long quote from Lao Tzu. It’s so hard to understand. Are you sure you want to include this in your book?” We were editing a manuscript for a book I am working on, and I often ask my [...]

26 03, 2013

The Problem with Books: The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille I was on eBay and Amazon this week looking for a copy of The Complete Madison, a collection of James Madison’s most important writings. I was surprised by what I found. A brand new copy of the book cost $49.99, while a [...]

14 03, 2013

Lego Logistics: Building Blocks to Reading Success

When Two Classics are Combined Guest post by Cat Charissage I.  The “Problem” Personally, I would have been happy if my son had been an early reader. I read to him as a baby constantly; in fact, I think he may have recognized the stories [...]

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