The Weekly Mentor

22 01, 2014

TJEd Mentoring and Freedom: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Classics and Freedom I didn’t study freedom because I loved the classics. I studied classics because I loved freedom. I know other people have taken their own path, as they should. But for me Thomas Jefferson combines these two great traditions—classics and [...]

4 12, 2013

The Easy Way to Inspire: The Weekly Mentor by Oliver DeMille

by Oliver DeMille Inspire Recently our married daughter got involved in a discussion we were having online with some friends about the meaning of "Inspire". She commented that in her experience (and being raised in the heart of TJEd, she has a really unique and [...]

6 11, 2013

Why Are We Lying to the Kids?: The Weekly Mentor

by Oliver DeMille  The subtitle to our book A Thomas Jefferson Education is: “Teaching a Generation of Leaders for the Twenty-First Century.” I really believe in this. It matters. The leaders of the 21st Century live in our homes. And we can truly help them [...]

30 10, 2013

Two Kinds of Education (Plus One): The Weekly Mentor

By Oliver DeMille There is an excellent book by John F. Heath entitled, When Bright Kids Can’t Learn: How New Brain Research Can Help Your Child. I highly recommend it. Perhaps the most significant contribution of the book, at least for me, is the idea [...]

16 10, 2013

“What About Their Careers?” the Father Asked

By Oliver DeMille “How will math ever help me in real life?” Every math teacher and a lot of parents have heard this question—more than once! And what homeschooler hasn’t heard the familiar query: “But what about your kids’ social development?” A new question in [...]

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