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Others like you are talking about their experience!
Check out what some of our participants have said about this Convention:
“I just finished the entire convention. Whew! I am feeling so inspired and I love how it clarified a lot of things I had questions about and some that I didn’t know to have questions for. Thank you for all of the hard work you put into this. I loved it!” ~Elesha Herrst
“Can I just gush over the TJEd Online Convention? I’ve been watching videos all month and finished today! ‘Inspired’ doesn’t seem to catch all that’s happening in my heart and mind and life! I’ve had a shift in my mentality toward teaching and learning and living and it’s permeating every part of my life. I feel like I have a whole new understanding about life, learning, my mission, and much more. The timing is perfect and the content is extraordinary. It might seem silly, but…I love you guys! <3” ~N.B.
“Last night I was talking to a friend about the TJEd online convention. My 16 year old piped up and said, “HEY! Please don’t watch anymore of those without me!” Ummmm…guys, this is HUGE! I saw it in her face on Saturday when we watched Eliza’s story about being a late-bloomer and again when we watched Emma talking about making it through a slump (S— even referenced the video with Emma and Ian where they told the “Splat” story <3 ). I don’t know what you guys put in those videos to make my daughter get inspired, but THANK YOU! I went into it just trying to inspire myself, but I got way more than that and I am thrilled! I know my daughter feels a connection with Emma and Eliza, and I’m so grateful for them. Thank you to everyone who had a part in the conference. You are truly making a difference (even in the lives of kids who were never homeschooled!).” ~D.J.
“I have to say that my scholar has gotten a lot from the teen videos that we have watched. He says that they have inspired him to want to work hard on defining and working towards his mission. My 17 year old has autism and other delays and it just warms my heart to see him.inspired again.” ~L.S.
“I have been listening to the conference and can I just say, Rachel, where have you been all of my life? 😉 I know that you don’t know me, but I feel this connection to you through your comments, your speaking, as if it is right to me. Have you ever listened to someone and thought, that is it, That is what I have looking for? Well, TJEd is it for me. Thank you! Also, when you were talking about how the core phases can be healing for you as a parent, maybe pertaining to things that you went through or did not get to go through. Yes! 1,000 x yes, being blessed to be home with my children 90% of the time and be there for them as my parents were not has taught me that I can heal through them. We are the change we want to and can be. The things we do now help us to build a better generation than we had. I am in tears writing this because you helped me to realize and remember that I am healing while my children are in these core and love of learning phases. Thank you!” G.B.
“Listening to Eliza’s journey. So helpful to hear about real life in the DeMille family. Thank you, thank you for not editing out Grandma’s entrance. I cried. Reminded me of my dear grandmother who I cared for at the end of her life when I was 17. Also enjoyed Rachel’s talk about inspiring the mind and her honesty about how things were in their family. Both these presentations have been so helpful. Yes, cherish your grandparents while you have them even when it’s hard. My parents now live with us. It’s really hard but it makes memories. Thanks again!” ~M.L.
“Tonight I am extremely grateful for the Online Convention. It has answered SO many of my questions, has given me a pep in my step, and has answered questions I hadn’t found words to yet. The countless hours of mentoring found in these files is priceless. Thank you for all the hard work and hours of preparation for this! Can we do this every year for the “Back to School” season? ?❤️ It is just what this Momma heart has needed.” ~E.E.
“I just wanted to give a shout out to the TJEd convention! I don’t know the DeMilles personally but I feel like they are becoming my close friends haha! I have listened to the opening video by Oliver and also the one from Emma and Ian and I have to say I already feel like I have learned soooo much! So thank you to the DeMilles for this and for keeping the cost so low!” ~B.W.
“Oh my gosh! I’m loving the convention videos! Someone won’t be sleeping tonight…?” ~C.D.
“Hey everyone! I am so excited! I [listened to] Oliver give his “Beginning with the End in Mind” talk this morning from the Convention. As I have said before, I am really new to TJEd and I haven’t introduced much to my children yet. After hearing his talk, I asked my children to listen to it. I could see transformations taking place. Epiphanies were happening. The language I had been using for the past two months was making sense. At the end we discussed it. Then my 17 yo, who has been fairly negative about learning, jumped up and sought out books about a subject he is interested in! He even went out of his way to share some of what he learned with a friend! I am overwhelmed with gratitude and awestruck at the changes I am already seeing. I can’t wait to get to the next talk in the conference… if only I had a cook and a maid….” ~S.W.
“Rachel Pinegar DeMille and Emma DeMille Cox, i just watched your core/LoL video from the convention and it was so so SO fantastic. Also, Rachel Pinegar DeMille, you must be so proud. what an amazing woman you have raised. ” ~A.H.
“I am watching the “top questions people ask about Core and LoL Phases” and I just want to say thank you to Emma Cox for specifying “depending on the age and personality of your child at that time” ???????? and then “jump… jump jump jump jump”! I have 6 from 11 down to 2 and two of my boys are very much like that!!! It was a very good watch/listen! Along with the “large family logistics” video. I needed these soooo much!!!! Thank you to you and your mom for doing this. I wanted to transcribe so much of it! ?????” ~B.H
Need more convincing?
In addition to the above unsolicited testimonials, we asked on our Facebook Discussion group which were our participants’ favorite presentations, and why, and these are some of the responses we received:
- KLW said: “I’m only about maybe 1/2 way through the talks so far, but I have loved the “5 Habits of Highly Successful Homeschoolers” and “what phase am I in” the most, though it’s hard to pick! I feel like those have given me a clear picture of the phases, transitions and what TJEd will look like when I’m implementing the strategies and thinking in our household.”
- TM said: I think it is the 5 Habits of Highly Effective Homeschoolers in which Rachel addresses the misconception that homeschooling works for “other” people because their kids are nice, or their health is good, or they don’t have this or that struggle. She makes it clear that no one avoids what she calls sanctifying experiences; if it appears that way, there is something we aren’t seeing, or their story is still unfolding. It is so helpful to understand this for homeschooling purposes and for personal, spiritual struggles. Then, of course, the 5 Habits themselves are great advice, too! This presentation could be sold as separate download! I also loved the “3 things you must get right” presentation.“
- BK said: I loved the AHA of “which phase are you in”. I really need the “3 things frustrated homeschooler (your title may vary)”. I kinda think Beginning with the End in mind had the most impact for me.* I’ve already shared it with my family in a focused family school way. *(so far…I’m not even 1/4 the way through.)
- AH said: “I LOVED the Dad’s panel! It is so refreshing to hear from a Dad’s perspective. Second was the veteran Moms panel. It made me get a better grasp on how TJED “looks” and was a wonderful confirmation to me that I’m on the right path and that I just need to keep going, keep trusting, and course correct as I go.
- MB said: “I think I’d have to say that so far Ian’s video on getting a scholar phase as an adult is my favorite. Seriously had me in tears. I’m so excited to get the education I’ve always wanted!!”
- LD said: “Ian’s video How to Catch Up as an Adult answered so many of my questions that I had been asking. But I also really loved Rachel’s Your One Room Schoolhouse.“
- KL said: “So far… Beginning with the end in mind: just a strong reminder to keep going back to our family’s “why” in home educating. And I want to go back and listen again to remember what else stuck out
? And then Oliver’s talk on “What phase are you in”. I listened last night while processing too many apples! I loved the encouragement to teach and talk to my kids about the phases and to allow THEM to let me know what phase they are in! And for me…. to pick a phase and rock it!! Inspiring! Again, I am SO thankful for your blessing of access to the conventions
- HM said: “ I am about half way through and have found them all to be incredibly inspiring. However, yesterday, with the realization that my 15 year old son absolutely needs to renegotiate Core Phase, I felt impressed to watch Eliza’s presentation and I joyfully found much needed inspiration on how to help him with that while keeping the whole family moving forward. Thank you so much to everybody involved in this project. You have, undoubtedly, been guiding me through my 6 month inventory!
- JM said: “ ELIZA!! Not only was all they shared inspiring, my kids wanted to watch Granny walk in over and over again…
- SY said: “The Top Questions for Core and Love of Learning was just what I needed! My youngest is 3 weeks old, and it was a relief to hear that my desire to study will come back. I was studying a couple hours a day before he was born, but now it’s at a halt.“
- LB said: “ So far, Eliza’s Late Bloomer chat was great because it gives me hope that this can be done in spite of starting late. Also loved Rachel Pinegar DeMille‘s Teaching Moment and Inquiring Mind – loved the part about going back to core phase in order to heal.“
- SR said: “I am not very far into it yet but I absolutely loved Rachel’s The Teaching Moment. It is so beautiful. I wish we could buy them individually or something. But I’m so thankful I get to watch them!
- AB said: “Eliza was incredible and inspiring. It was the first one I watched and it set the tone for the whole conference, which has been fabulous. You all really out did yourselves on this one. I just dont want it to end! The daily dose of TJEd is so important, and this has allowed that to happen easily and conveniently. Thank you for putting this together!“
- LS said: “I haven’t seen/heard them all, but I loved, “What Phase Am I In.” It was so freeing that I cried!“
- LH said: “It is a toss up between Mission Power with Ian and Late Bloomer with Eliza. I have a late bloomer, so her honesty and openness was so inspiring. And the ideas given in Mission Power were really helpful in regards to giving me solid ideas to move forward with helping my son on his path as well as myself.“
- AB added: “Ok. I need to add Emma’s session on getting your teen to actually do scholar phase. This clicked SO many things into place for me!“
- SS said: “ I still have a lot to watch, but so far it has been:
– TJED Moms Panel
– TJED Dads Panel
– Intro to TJED High for Parents
– Inspiring the Inquiring Mind“ - KE said: “ I had some really important aha moments when I listened to “which phase are you in” then discussed it with my husband. We both had some great aha moments after listening to and discussing “the 3 things you must get right”. I’ve considered myself a tjed mom for years, I’ve read the books, attended a seminar, etc etc, knew all about reading and missions and everything, and yet I think I was still missing something. Those particular talks were more simple and logically outlined than anything else I’ve read our listened to. I felt like they were very accessible. Thank you so much!“
- NJ said: “I really felt encouraged by Oliver’s opening audio to challenge everyone to get a scholar phase. And I loved how Rachel’s talk at the Inspiring the Inquiring Mind dove-tailed that on the importance of a scholar phase for freedom.“
- SB said: “[Re: The TJEd Veteran Moms Panel] The discussion of this panel on inspiring was brilliant. I really liked how Heidi Ifland Nash explained what it means to be a leader to our children and what that looks like in her home.“
You need this shot in the arm. A daily dose of TJEd to help you be your best, and have joy, peace and confidence in your homeschool journey!
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